Reading these articles and writing my research paper, has
shed a new light on food for me. I’ll probably never look at food the same way
again. However, I will most likely still keep eating it. I’ll just be more
cautious of what I eat now. I cannot explain the amount of disgust I felt when I
found out how they were treating these animals and what they were fed. I have
always wanted to change my eating habits, and I think this just may have been
the push I have needed. What I do not understand is why healthy food is a lot more
expensive than junk food. I should not have to pay more to eat healthier. It
also disgusts me how major fast food and junk food companies care more about
their profits than people’s health. We, as the American people have to change
the demand of food.
The articles and the movie have also disgusted me and I totally agree with you on why should we have to pay more for healthy food ? Some people can't afford it and are forced into a bad diet. The government shouldn't have let this happen because they're suppose to protect us. Fast food companies are taking over the world and everyone is acting as if it's not a problem.