Fletcher Tweets and Whiteboard Shots

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Feminism Rant

For this post I'm just going to discuss feminism in general because I just feel like putting this out there.  I just have a hard time understanding people that are sexist.  My brain can not comprehend what goes through the mind of people that are like that.  It is just so unfair to all the women on this planet because everything we do is judge.  Even are school is going along with this type of sexist culture because of dress codes.  What our school is saying with dress code (specifically the dress code aimed towards girls like shorts and skirts) is that we can't dress the way we want because it is too distracting for boys, and if that is the case then our school needs to start teaching boys to stop disrespecting women all the time.  Also, I don't get it when women are the ones being sexist because they should be the ones backing up other girls.  I feel like lots of women look down on those women that are housewives because as long as she isn't being forced to stay at home, then there isn't anything wrong with being a housewife.  Lastly, another thing that bothers me is how much everyone expects women to have children.  Everyone always questions women that are older and don't have any children.  They think that they had sad, unfulfilled lives just because they never went through the "wonderful" experience of raising a kid.  It shouldn't matter if women decide to have children or not because having kids just isn't for some people.

1 comment:

  1. YES I so agree with you. Women don't want to have people be sexist toward them but then are sometimes sexist toward other women. It's so frustrating because it should not matter if someone doesn't want to have kids. Also dresscode! Schools are basically promoting that girls should not dress "sexual" because it is a distraction. I should not have to worry about whether or not I am being a distraction or not based on the way I am dressed. If guys can not control themselves because my shoulders are showing that's not my fault.


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