Fletcher Tweets and Whiteboard Shots

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Gender equality

I think it's crazy to see that we are in the year 2015 and there still isn't equality among men and women. Women are still being judged, viewed and evaluated in such a harsh negative way. In a article I read it argued that men are instantly seen as powerful and since women have a lower status in society it makes them to be seen as powerless. It also stated that women feel like they shouldn't ask directly. Believe it or not I've seen this with my own eyes, where a man ask/demands the woman to do everything; for example, cook, clean, etc. while he sits back and relaxes. The woman in this case feels like she doesn't have the right or the power to speak up. In my opinion, this is such a bad way of living I wouldn't want to live basically under a rock where I couldn't speak up or do what I wanted. Men and women are both human beings so women should be treated and respected equally as men are. 


  1. I agree 100% with this post. Women should not feel less than a man. Long before women could work they were stay at home wives, cooking, cleaning and watching over the kids. I think now that women are aloud to work, the jobs at home should be equally divided amongst the husband and wife. It is only fair.

  2. Preach it Yulissa! Your completely right because it happens on a day to day basis where women feel the need to do the cleaning and cooking because if they don't do it, no one else will. And if they don't cook men will state the fact they weren't feed. It's truly unbelievable, because men just like women were given legs and arms; so it's like why can't men go inside the kitchen and make a meal for the family. Men act as if they their dignity will be swiped clean, when in reality it won't be touched at all.

  3. Yes, exactly Melissa! They assume that the women is suppose to do all that due to the fact that they think that's the female's job to do.

    1. When in reality it's not. Women choose to cook the same way men choose to become chef. Women choose to clean the same way men choose to be become janitors. Men put effort into so many things that I just don't understand what make them think that once their at home they don't need to put any effort into what needs to be done around the house.

  4. PREACH IT MELISSA!!! I don't see what makes them special enough not to put any effort. They should be able to help out both genders should work equally. Men shouldn't think they over power women because women are just as tough and hardworking.

    1. Exactly, and how about the fact that when a man gets sick, it's as if the world is about to end. They have the decency not to go to work because they are "dieing" in bed do to the flu. However, if a woman where to get the flu, you still see her going to work, cooking, cleaning and on top of that helping her kids with her homework. So, I know for a fact that it's the women who are the tough and hardworking ones when it comes to either being just at home and going to work.

  5. I don't see how society doesn't see this, everyone values and sees men so high up like why are women looked down upon and seen as powerless. It's just so wrong!

    1. The thing is, society does see this; yet, they still view women lower then men because that's how it's always been. No matter how much we prove ourselves to men or the society we will be seen powerless.

  6. You're right, I think it has to do a lot with history like in the past women didn't even have the right to vote or were so afraid of speaking but now it has changed but there still needs to be improvement on how women are viewed.

    1. Exactly, now it's just a matter of time until were seen with high values.


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