Fletcher Tweets and Whiteboard Shots

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Why there is division in everything?

I ask this question of why there is division in everything because that is the world we are basically living in. That they made this division to show us the difference between men and women. But since we are so diverse and very democratic in this country the gap is still there but many things are being proved wrong and changed. I like how they describe the use of different speaking towards us because it got me to better understand why these languages exist. I don't like it because this country is exist to be equal and in the bible it says that too. So why can't we just accept each other and why do we have to be separate with each other instead of being together? Sometimes I wish none of this exist because it shows that one will always win while the other loses and that there will never be agreements towards each other because of this difference we have. That is why there is so much trouble because these debates in this world about who is better. Therefore it will be better if this idea doesn't exist.

1 comment:

  1. I agree, I feel like if everyone on this planet could just calm down and accept everyone else around them it would be so much better. But, I don't think that will ever happen because people will continue to pass on their hate to their children, and eventually the cycle will repeat again. It makes me mad too because of how they talk about how the U.S. is "equal", but it reality it probably never will be. The fact that we have such a diversity in people causes a lot of racial tension between people, but I feel like in this day and age that race shouldn't even be a big deal anymore and I don't understand why everyone has to go around hating everyone because they have a different skin color.


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