Fletcher Tweets and Whiteboard Shots

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Is it a big deal??

So, as many of you know, I'm Filipino. For those of you who didn't know that...well now you do. But I was born and raised right here in California. If you couldn't see me, if you didn't know what I looked like, where my family was from, or how my home was run, you definitely wouldn't think I was Asian. For as long as I can remember, I've been referred to as a "white girl." My friends and family would tease me for being "white" and I still don't understand what that fully means or what it was supposed to be seen as.

I didn't know if it was supposed to be seen as an insult, classification, or just a joke. Nonetheless, I wasn't sure if I should be offended or if "white" people should be offended. I, along with them, have been stereotyped. I have been classified as a "white girl in an Asian body" because I held attributes that may or may not correspond to a certain culture. I am a cheerleader who enjoys listening to country music, drinking Starbucks, and wearing Uggs. Sometimes I say "like" too often or speak in a certain way...but I didn't know that these certain habits could be used in a way to identify who I was.

Anyways, so what I was trying to get at was the question of is this okay? Is this okay to take certain habits and activities and pin them to a race or culture? Also...is this supposed to be offensive or just trends and jokes?


  1. I agree with the question you're posing (if that makes sense). I think that in today's world, the majority of racism we see is in these so called "jokes". One thing I want to point out too, is that if someone gets upset because of one of the "jokes" then they get crap for being too up tight. Another thing is, who classified certain attributes to certain races? I'm white, (which some people would like to argue because of my hair lol) and I can't tell you how annoying it is when I hear daily jokes made about my race. It's even slightly offensive (in my opinion) when people 'joke" with individuals that they say are acting "white". I mean, who decided that just because an Asian family doesn't have the stereotypical strict values or because an individual speaks with correct grammar that all of a sudden they're "white in a [insert race] body" or "white-washed"? The even worse part? I'm not even allowed to get upset about people making fun of my race or even just being straight up racist; the reason: because I am white. AAANYWWAYS, back to the point of this comment, I don't think it's right for people to even really joke about peoples' race/culture, because where does the joking end and where does the seriousness begin?

  2. I've had similar situations. I think being called "white-washed" or anything of that sort is an insult. No, it is not okay. White culture is seen as less than compared to the minority cultures, so when a person of a minority refers to me as "white," or other phrases, I feel like they are saying I am less than them. I am inadequate, because I am not the stereotypical, common Latina.

  3. I've wondered the same question myself! My cousins have always called me "white-washed" and it offends me because I feel as though I'm not mexican enough for them. I don't think it's okay for people to do that though. I mean, is identifying objects with a certain gender not enough? It's so irritating that every action, object, and idea has to identify with some culture, gender, ethnicity, etc. But you know what girl you do you and ignore anyone who tries to make you feel different just because you don't fit their idea of a Filipino.

    1. It eases me a little to know that I wasn't the only one who felt this way in this situation. Let's face it, things aren't going to change anytime soon and neither is the way we act. We may not fit everyone's idea of who we are supposed to be, but we are still US. Thanks girls and keep bein' you.


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