Fletcher Tweets and Whiteboard Shots

Thursday, December 4, 2014

A Changed Heart Indeed.

Animal rights is an extremely controversial topic. You see each year more than 100 million animals are experimented on. At this very moment, there are mice, rats, dogs, cats, monkeys, pigs, birds, hamsters and many other types of animals that are locked away in cages going through a great deal of pain. They go through the day in their cages being pricked, drugged, observed and mistreated only to relive the same moments again the very next day, literally a living nightmare. Remind me exactly as to why they are being experimented on again? Because from what I have researched 92% of the experimental drugs that are safe to animals fail in human clinical trials. 
People truly don't care because it's not something they truly take in mind, at least that's what I think. We don't see the mistreatment with our own eyes, so we don't actually see the true cruelty that lies in the laboratories. But if you were to google "animal cruelty", you'd see so many pictures of experimented and mistreated animals that you'll think yourself as to why animals don't have rights. Animals can be so much more than just experiments,  yet scientists don't see it that way. The way I see it they view animals like something that can be easily replaced and aren't capable of anything, but in reality they are so much more.
When you have pets yourself you're able to observe the way they act and how might just be feeling. Therefore, I've always thought that animals were smart, but I wasn't aware that they were capable of showing intelligence. It was because of Rifkan's article, "A Change Heart about Animals," where I came across four bold animals. Betty and Abel, New Caledonian crows, picked their food out with a hook from a hole, but it was Betty who made a hook from a straight wire nine out the tens times. Koko, a gorilla, has mastered over 1,000 sign and understands several thousands of English words. And then there is an orangutan named Chantek who showed self awareness when he was able to groom his teeth and adjust his sunglasses when given a mirror. 
The thing is that animals are used for so much nowadays that it's just ridiculous. Animals well they are animals, we don't speak the same language, unless your Chantek, but we don't know what animals are thinking either. We can probably have a clue as to what they're thinking due to their emotions or the way they are acting, but the thing is we don't know. They can't speak up, they can't talk, they can't tell you what they are feeling every time they are injected with something new because most likely their bodies weren't able to handle the first injection and died before the second. We need to speak up for animals to end all the experimentation and cruelty, because if we don't then who will?

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