Fletcher Tweets and Whiteboard Shots

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

For animal rights or not?

Right now with this arguments between animal rights or no animal rights has got me stuck right in the middle. I say this because of my personality I am a really nice person that can never decide on debates or decision. So for now I am in the middle. I say this because yes we have moments where we feel bad for the animals, so then right on the top of minds without consideration we say that animals deserve animal rights. With that I feel bad for animals because animals play a huge connection to our lives, and they can change who we are. That it makes us sad when the animal research project torture the animals, that we say it's wrong. Yes I do agree but then I don't because humans have the same amount if rights when it comes to diseases and cancers. Shouldn't we consider the same respect because humans don't always have a perfect life just like animals, cause some of them are homeless, starving, poor, have cancer and diseases. If we do then the human's precious life will be better, so therefore the results will also impact the animals with better enviornment just cause of this little fix. Just like Yong, author of the article "Of Primates and Personhood: Will According Rights and Dignity to Nonhuman Organisms Halt Research," humans at the same time deserve dignity just like animals with all this corruption going on. Therefore I also agree with animal rights because it can help the humans in need get better and as of result can also make the lifes of animals better. Even though the change in animal genetics is a very risky option. As of result still can't make the decision to choose which side to be on.

1 comment:

  1. I understand your choice to be in the middle. Sometimes it is really hard to choose a side on testing animals. We can be very empathetic towards animals. It's unfair that many dangerous treatments are experimented on them and we senselessly put them in harms way. However, if we don't experiment on animals, who or what would we test on? Overall, I think for now testing on animals is acceptable until we could find a better alternative.


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