Fletcher Tweets and Whiteboard Shots

Wednesday, December 3, 2014


The video we watched in class was intriguing because it laid out so many points and questions that all led to the same thing. Empathy. Over the years, humans have been able to feel for other people and animals, or put themselves in their shoes. When people feel for eachother, they take care of eachother, and that's what keeps the world going. This idea of considering others has led to animal rights and has protected creatures from cruelty. Animals shouldn't be treated any less because we are all going through struggles. A human struggle may be different from a creature's struggle, but a struggle is a struggle, right? In the end we are all just trying to survive in the world and why should a dog suffer because it's not a person. The urge to save animals leads to saving their environment which is our environment. Techniqually, we are saving ourselves because we are all connected. To help yourself you should care about your surroundings. I believe that a little empathy goes a long way. 


  1. I completely agree with your point. Humans have assumed this position as the dominant species and with that comes the responsibility of taking care of our environment and our fellow inhabitants. These animals can't speak for themselves, that's the main reason for why people brush away the feelings of animals but that is the exact reason we need to protect them and their environment. Which like you said, is our environment too...so when we care for these creatures we in turn are caring for ourselves as well.

  2. I agree with this as well. The way humans think that they are at the top and that everything else isn't as important is completely wrong. The way we have been treating a lot of the enviroment is trash, especially the ocean. I feel like we need more protected areas. More underwater reserves and stricter laws on whale hunting. I think everyone needs to have some empathy because what are we with out it? Hopefully maybe one day people will slowly understand that.


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