Fletcher Tweets and Whiteboard Shots

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Am I for or against animal rights?

Animal rights are a very sketchy topic for me because I am not sure where I stand. I feel like I am in the middle but I lean towards not supporting animal rights more. I believe that we should have some level of respect for animals because we are more alike than it seems. However, when it comes to animal testing, I will always be for it because I rather save a human life before an animal’s life. I think humans are more important than animals. I never understand how people are so quick to save animals but have no problem disregarding all the human lives that could have been possibly saved.      
            When it comes to animal testing, I believe that we should only test on them when it’s absolutely necessary because they should not have to suffer the way they do. For some odd reason, I feel like the only animals scientists should experiment on are rats. I don’t know why I feel that way maybe it’s because I dislike them so much. Does that make me a horrible person?
            Even though I believe that animals should have some form of respect, I just don’t know how much respect they deserve. I have no problem with giving them respect but in my opinion they will never be on a higher pedestal than human. We did not need an article to tell us that animals have feelings because that was super obvious. Dogs cry when they are sad or hurt. They will even get excited when their owner returns or when its play time. However, I still don’t know how much respect they deserve.

            I was watching the Great Barrier Reef on television and I saw a crab attack a baby turtle and I got sad; luckily the baby turtle escaped and survived. I wonder why it’s plausible for animals to eat other animals but as soon as a human does it, it’s wrong. I am a meat eater and I always will be. So why am I ridiculed for my preference it’s a way of life, just like animals eating other animals is their way of life. Now this brings me back to the topic of respect because animals do not respect or care about the other animal it kills or eats. So why am I ridiculed for eating meat or not giving them certain “respect” that they deserve? And yes I did take this idea from one of our articles.

1 comment:

  1. Im in the exact position you are in. Im also stuck in the middle about animal rights and I believe animals should only be tested on for medical purposes. Humans are way more important than animals and I think some animal activists forget that and they go too crazy on an animal's rights. I dont think animals should go through harmful testing just for some makeup or other superficial product but if scientists are trying to cure cancer on an animal then go ahead and test on as many animals as they want. If the testing is for that type of research than im completely for it. I'm also a meat eater and that wont ever change for me and i never thought about how animals attack other animals and it's okay but when a human does it, it turns into a totally different story. I guess its because we think of animals as less than us so we don't really think about their actions toward one another. I mean animals do deserve some type of respect though because we're sacrificing their life and they deserve something.


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