Fletcher Tweets and Whiteboard Shots

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Learning Before Grades

This has been on my mind all week. Mr. Green has said time and time again this year to my class that we need to learn first, to want to learn, and that grades will come with that. The pursuit of learning is the reason school existed in the first place. Tests are not devices created to torment and stress out students. They are exactly what they sound like, a test to see if you know it or not. I always try to think of ways that we could use tests as a learning device rather than a dreaded necessity. I think Mr. Green also has a great idea with his test corrections policy. Allowing students to see what they did wrong so as to correct it and at least get some points back. However I think the pursuit of learning has been destroyed with the mentality of some students who do whatever they can for the grade. I used to be that way, doing only what I had to in order to receive a good grade. However now in a few of my classes I actually research topics outside of class and *gasp* it isn't required. I enjoy learning a lot and it saddens me when I never see anyone else get excited about learning. Maybe part of it is that being "nerdy" is looked down upon? But I know I'm nerdy and I think I am a fairly cool person... Is that arrogant? lol. Anyway as I was saying, there have been times in my high school career when I've had my mind blown, when I've been intrigued by a topic and looked up things on it on my own. There have even been times when I've spent hour researching, but not a single topic. I just read articles, watch videos, and read comments. I let those take me other places and I just keep going until I feel fulfilled. shoot, I've even started taking notes on some things on my own because I feel I should look into it more on my own. I write down ideas I have while I read on my own on little post-it notes so I don't forget. I even look forward to tests because although they are stressful, they let me prove what I know, what I've learned, and how I've progressed, not only to others but to myself as well.  I am realizing now more than ever that I love to learn and if that makes me a nerd or a weirdo than I say hell yeah I'm a nerd. Because I know that the things I remember most are not formulas and techniques for writing essays that I hated. I remember the awesome stuff, like the brilliant life realizations I've made in stats class. And if i can have a great experience learning, then I know I'm that much better equipped to remember what I learned. Sure I have times when I don't want to do work but I feel as long as I'm learning the material and I am interested, that's what matters. I the only one who enjoys learning? Because I usually come to school in a relatively good mood every day while everyone else seems to be sullen and angry that they are being forced to accept an education. I continually have my vibe killed by the people who see school as a type of necessary Hell before they reach the "Heaven" of a good real life. Am I the only one?

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