Fletcher Tweets and Whiteboard Shots

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

8 Reason Why You Should Not Eat Mcdonalds

1) McDonalds supports the destruction of the Amazon forest, reason being is that the land is going to be used to grow corn that McDonalds will eventually use.
2) They are cruel to animals.
3) The food is unhealthy for humans.
4) It's bad for the environment
5) McDonalds processes about 500,000 pounds per day.
6) One hamburger patty is made from more than 1 cow.
7) A chicken sandwich will give you 2/3 of the recommended daily amount of sodium.
8)If you eat fries, a big mac and drink a super sized coke you would have to walk for 7 hours straight to burn it off.
"15 Reasons to Never Let Anyone You Love Near a McDonalds." EcoSalon. 22 Oct. 2008. Web. 1 Apr. 2015.
If you still want to eat McDonalds after reading this then just remember you're contributing to the loss of our forest, supporting obesity, and are okay with animal cruelty. I personally hate McDonalds ever since the 9th grade I watched the movie "Super Size Me" in health class and I never ate from there again. One part of the movie that really got to me was when the lady showed her burger that she saved from 1996 and it looked the exact same from when she bought it. The beef didn't rot and the bread didn't mold. Their would have to be some kind of chemical in the burger for it not to rot at all. It just isn't right, for it to look the exact same.

1 comment:

  1. the way i see it is that a burger is a burger, people like burgers, mcdonalds sells burgers, people will eat mccdonalds. the only way that i think that anyone would stop eating there would be if they started grinding humans into the meat, and even then im too not sure


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