Fletcher Tweets and Whiteboard Shots

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Discrimination Against Women in Advertisement

Advertisements are seen everywhere you go. They can be seen on the internet, billboards, televisions, public buses, etc. Each person in America sees an average of 1,500 advertisements per day, these advertisements that we see everyday have a huge influence on our thoughts, attitudes, perceptions and actions. Young girls grow up think they have to be exactly like the models they see on Americas Top Model or the celebrities in the magazines/reality shows. This causes girls to follow the footsteps of someone famous which can result to them growing up to fast. Girls now days feel that in order to be called pretty they need to put on tons of makeup, wear clothes that show off their body, and talk with a flirtatious tone. Women's advertisements are making these girls think that if they grow up faster they will be liked more by society. I believe that their is a time for everything, when girls are ready to grow up they will but they shouldn't rush to be women at such young ages, they have a whole life time to become the woman that they desire to be. I hope this post makes some sense, my point is, is that we shouldn't allow advertisement to ruin the youth.

1 comment:

  1. YES. YES. YES. I completely agree with you! This frustrates me so much! Literally, every commercial on tv nowadays has some half naked girls eating, running, bathing and eating, or doing just about anything! The people being advertised to: men. Women are sick and tired of the televised Victoria Secret shows (at least the women I know are) because the only reason they are televised is because they know that the station hosting them will get of the chart ratings because of all the horny men out there waiting to watch the girls. I'm sorry but this is a rant. I seriously hate the Carl's Jr. commercials that have some half naked girl eating a burger super slowly! That is false advertising in multiple ways...first no model that looks like that is actually eating at Carl's Jr., and second, no girl eats their burger like that! Young girls are shown these things at such a young age and then become so insecure about things like eating! They become insecure because they don't eat like the model on the commercial. Eating is fun and food is good and no one should be concerned with how they look; what you need to be concerned about is making sure you don't forget to finish that last piece of your Adobo taco or sushi roll or burger...so girls of all ages, you enjoy your food! And don't let any guy keep that from you!
    I hope this made sense lol


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