Fletcher Tweets and Whiteboard Shots

Thursday, March 5, 2015

The Pregnancy Project


    The unit were currently in, Gender, Language & Culture opens up so many windows in which what we can talk about so I thought this would be a great opportunity to talk about a movie I recently saw, on Netflix, called The Pregnancy Project.
    The Pregnancy Project, is about a seventeen year-old high school student who pretends to be pregnant for her senior project in order to experience first hand stereotyping.The main character Gaby, is hispanic and if I'm right a straight-A student. Therefore, She undergoes an emotional roller coaster being stereotyped by classmates, teachers, and even her best friends. There was an overall of five people, which consisted of her mom, boyfriend' best friend, teacher, and principal; who knew she wasn't pregnant, and they were required to write anything and everything they heard from anyone down in a journal. 
    Her peers would constantly make comments such as she ruined her life and her life was over. Sure, pregnant teenagers have made a mistake that will cost them a lot and change their lives forever. However it's going to be thier best mistake, because they gain the most precious thing in life, a child. Just because a teenage girl in high school is pregnant doesn't mean she can't have anymore career or life aspirations, it doesn't mean she can't go to college, it means that they just have to work twice as hard to reach their goals.
    I think it was truly amazing how much criticism pregnant high school student gets.  We all like to criticize people, however we don't think about the fact that these people being criticized are hearing what we say about them. You might not know the person talking down on you, but words hurt no matter who they come from.

1 comment:

  1. I recently watched this movie and by the title I automatically thought of the movie The Pregnancy Pact. You know, the one where all these girls decided to get pregnant together...anyways, when I actually watched the movie I soon realized that what I first assumed was totally wrong. Then I learned that this story was true. Though she was only faking her pregnancy to observe how she'd be treated and talked about behind her back, there was a character whom she befriended who was actually pregnant. The movie was able to highlight the way she felt also, because unlike Alexa Vega's character, her pregnancy wasn't temporary. I like how you said that we don't think about the fact that things we say about others aren't completely hidden and they aren't oblivious. Words do have the ability to tear a person down, but who they are and their actions should disregard that even if it isn't easy. What someone says about us doesn't define us.

    but it is easier said than done


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