Fletcher Tweets and Whiteboard Shots

Thursday, March 5, 2015


Now this blog post I just want to talk about ERW class as a whole. Although I hate the work, I have grown to love the class. Every time we get assigned something I just complain and automatically become stressed, but once I get something completed I let out a big sigh of relief. At the end of an assignment, I always find myself reflecting back on it, realizing it wasn't even that hard to begin with and I learned from it. Recently with this group assignment I was really freaking out. I already struggle with writing by myself and I was no where near prepared to write something with three other people. At first I thought it may be easy considering I wouldn't have to do as much work, but trying to stay with the topic and getting everything to flow was confusing and more difficult than expected. I had to rewrite my section a couple times because I kept feeling as if it didn't fit correctly. Now that it is over, I am extremely proud of the public service announcement my group put together. With a lot of revising, everything went together smoothly and now I am no longer scared of group writing assignments. I learned that even if you're super duper confused about what the hell you're doing, just go at it anyways because nothing bad can come out of it. 

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