Fletcher Tweets and Whiteboard Shots

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Gender Expectations

     As much as I rant about the sexist world that women still live in, I do recognize that men are faced with gender challenges as well. I'm not a guys so I can't really speak for guys, but because I am a girl I know and hear what girls talk about when they are with their friends. I know that girls also have unrealistic expectations when they are looking for guys to date or the "one". It seems apparently unfair that when girls talk about their perfect guy, people always encourage them to "not settle" which in turn only promotes that type of thinking. I feel that if guys aren't "allowed" to have unrealistic expectations for their significant others, then neither should girls. I believe everyone should have standards and not just settle for anyone, but I also believe that no one is perfect. You shouldn't base your judgment of someone solely on their looks. Looks are a factor because I mean, hello, it's the packaging that draws you in; but once you start nit picking little things like how much body a hair a guy should or shouldn't have or the type of hair that a girl should or shouldn't have in order to fit your standards, that's when things get out of control. People are people and no one is perfect, you just take whoever makes you happy and live a happy life with them. So, guys, girls, have standards but don't be as picky as Stanford, because sometimes, you miss out on really cool people if you do that.

**I hope this post made sense, I realize that I gave advice towards the end, but what the heck, this is a blog for thoughts and what not so there you go.


  1. First of all I read this post and I could totally imagine what you would sound like if you were to say it out loud. second, Bravo. You have essentially summed up this idea that I have been thinking for years. It seems as though people have trouble understanding the fact that its not the outside that should decide who you date, so why does it seem that way? The answer, we have hormones. I sure as hell don't get butterflies when a girl shows me her resume, but that's just me.
    Thirdly, you stood up for guys which I was not expecting and i thought it was awesome.
    Well done ally, this is one for the history books.

  2. Okay, no. Seriously. Every time I read a blog of yours, I can hear your voice. I haven't figure out if that is creepy or not. But you're right with everything you say when saying that people judge others on looks and even personality. Women are not the only victims of being picked at because of unrealistic expectations. As a girl, I can say that there are certain things we look for in men. Dreams to be fulfilled by our significant other, and standards to be upheld. (sorry boys) These expectations do sometimes blind us from people who can make us real happy. Keep on preaching, girlfriend.


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