Fletcher Tweets and Whiteboard Shots

Friday, March 6, 2015

The unit has been really interesting to me because me , being straight , never really thought about how others who are of a different sexual orientation has to go through. You think there's just straight , gay ,& lesbian when really there's so much more. Many people feel like they don't fit into any of the categories and that's okay. You never really realize how discrimination really hurts a person and how you can make someone's life so miserable that they want to end their own life. We hear so many stories about kids who get bullied because of their sexual orientation and end up committing suicide. Like when did it become okay for someone to hurt another human so bad that they don't ever think things are gonna get better? People need to stand up for themselves and to bullies because so many lives are lost. It's not fair for someone who's " different " to get treated differently than someone who's " normal ". As the years have gone by , the discrimination has been less but it's still there. Depending on where you live in the world you could be completely accepted or completely hated. I'm glad to say I live in a place where being gay or lesbian or any other sexual orientation is more accepted. I wouldn't want to see someone I know or love being bullied and tortured everyday just because of their label. There shouldn't even be labels because in the end everyone's just looking for someone to be with.  

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