Fletcher Tweets and Whiteboard Shots

Thursday, March 5, 2015

I found it in me

So I thought about this over and over, trying to convince myself to be able to put this out there. I even tried writing it in my essay but it seemed easier to just let it out here. But, I think that I found it in me to actually let it out. Although a lot of people already know and accept it for what it was, I dated a girl for almost a year. Talking about people against gays really started to make me upset. Watching the video and hearing about a guy that got killed just by walking a little "gay" was the most upsetting thing I listened to in class. I always think, like what if that was me? What if my friends and family didn't accept me having a girlfriend? I hide it for so long and I still do to new people that don't know me very well. It's not that I'm embarrassed because I'm not, i just don't like the feeling of possibly getting judged and to be looked down upon just by the person im interested in. I am so grateful and lucky to have so many amazing friends and family who knew about my relationship and never thought any different of me. Although it was and still is hard for me to just come out and say yeah I dated a girl, I'm proud I did, and I'm proud of who I am today. Whoever I decide to be with, girl or guy, I'll know who the true people are in my life, with who's standing by me in the end. 

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