Fletcher Tweets and Whiteboard Shots

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Veggie Libel Laws

Apparently the so called Veggie Libel Laws prevent anyone form talking about about the food industries to prevent drops of sales and such. Who ever does can be sued for millions of dollars. It sounds a lot like propaganda to me. Durning was in some countries you can be killed for saying anything bad about the person in charge and to me it seems as if we are heading that way, the food comapnies in the U.S alone have enough food to feed the hungry, instead they desied to stuff food down Americans throats for money. Though honesty I'd love for this to change I doubt they will. People would rather be happy then free and food makes people happy. For example the other day i was in line to buy a burger from the McD's and all i could think was "Every time I buy I vote" didnt stop be from buy the 2$ hamburger rather then the 5$ salade. Its sad how people in this world seem to care more about money then what is right.

1 comment:

  1. It really struck me about 3 weeks ago how, like you said, people care more about money than what is right. Now although I wouldn't say these huge companies are stuffing food down our throats (however we may be stuffing the food down our throats on our own) they definitely are the main contributors to the issues having to do with obesity, animal cruelty in the food industry, and the overall oligopoly that is the food industry. I know every time I watch a video or read an article about the atrocities that go down in the food industry I make a silent pledge to do better at eating healthier. But you are right in that I do find myself caring more about buying something that is cheaper rather than healthier. It reminds me of how in Food Inc. that family had to decide between buying fresh produce at the market and eating a meal from McDonalds. I find it sad that people are forced to buy the very food that is killing them from the same companies that are destroying the food economy. It is all just a sick circle that I feel will keep revolving around and around because, as Brenda said, we care more about money than what is right. But then again, for some people, it is hard to make the right choice when you barely have the money to pay for food in the first place.


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