Fletcher Tweets and Whiteboard Shots

Friday, October 31, 2014

College Rant

I know what college I want to go to after high school, but I don’t know where I’ll end up, quite yet and its killing me. My dream school is Howard. I remember a time when I didn’t think I was smart enough to get into Howard, because it’s considered the Black Ivy League School. Now that I realized that I can get in, I’m scared because there’s a possibility that I won’t get accepted. Nobody wants there plan A to fail. I do have a plan B, C, and a D, but it won’t be the same and that college won’t give me the same experience that Howard would give me.

I never thought that my senior year would be as stressful as it is. College apps have stressed me out to the point, where I’m tired of college and I haven’t even gotten there yet. I’m so glad that I started my personal statement early, because at first it was not going well for me at all, until I chose the right topic. My weakest point is my SAT and ACT scores, because they’re not as high as I would like them to be. To know that may be the reason that I don’t get into college is scary. I’m hoping that my personal statement and my grades will outweigh my scores. I know I have to stay positive, but it’s so hard when your life is literally in the hand of some unknown person.

Everyone is so scared to leave the nest or leave Mayfair, but I’m not I can’t wait to graduate and go off to college next fall. I really need a change in scenery. I want to meet new people and get away from some of the old people in my life. I rather be on my own somewhere out of state and figure out my life without any distractions. I believe there’s so much life has to offer me beyond California. How can I succeed in International Business if I can’t leave my nest or California?

I can’t believe that I’m going to be eighteen in less than eight months. Soon we’re all going to be on our own somewhere all over America. When you really think about it, it’s scary but I can’t wait. The only thing I’m really scared of is the college professors, because when I get to college, I know that I have to do everything on my own.  I’m not ready yet, to let go of our high school teacher’s didactic ways.

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