Fletcher Tweets and Whiteboard Shots

Thursday, October 30, 2014


So I'm sitting here catching up on America's Next Top Model, and I'm trying to just knock this out so I can be done for the week. So far, this week has been one of the most stressful weeks that I’ve had so far. In my imagination, my homework are the flesh-eating monsters that I’ve been trying to escape for, what seems like, the umpteenth time. Since this year began, my level of stress has skyrocketed. All of the pressure of college apps + SAT scores + Homework + life in general = overwhelm.... ment? I am someone who stresses out A LOT. I can’t help it. Even in non-stressful situations, I always seem to find something or someone to stress about. How many times did I use the word "stress"? .... Whatever, STRESS STRESS STRESS STRESS.
So I looked up the word “stress” and I honestly believe that someone has been watching me my whole life and said “what she is doing…I must name it”. (And yes, I was born in the late 1800s. Don’t hate.) It says that one of the usual responses to stress is to seek comfort instead of facing it when it becomes too much. Basically your body is screaming at you “Noooooooo”. Which makes sense because there have been nights when I just stare at my mountain of homework and I think “No. No. No.” But when I stare at my bed, my head sighs in wanting. My head almost always leads me to my bed. I’m not kidding. I head-butt my bed all of the time.
I guess stress and procrastination are related? But I’m not going to delve into that because my mom just told me that there is cake downstairs.
Anyway, I guess what I’m trying to get at is that I'm kind of happy that I’m not the only one who seems to be stressing out this year. Luckily the entire senior class is with me. *We’re all in this together* 

*Side note: Does anyone like ponies?


  1. I totally agree about the stress! I'm not going to a university; so I'm not experiencing the stress of applications and things like that. My stress stems from my worry of the future. There are times where I start to freak out about what path I'm going to take to become a teacher and how I need to apply for a job that will help me get by in my twenties until I become a teacher. Also, I don't know about you but I am not looking forward to that struggle everyone experiences in their twenties. I'm tired of stressing out and it seems like all I have to look forward to is more stress in my future. What helps me, when I begin to panic about my future...is realizing that you have to take one day at a time. Yes you need to prepare and be aware of your future but in the end, days go by one at a time, and in this day, I have aced my forensics presentation and I have shows to catch up on. I will worry about tomorrow's problems, tomorrow.

  2. The stress monster is coming for us all! But in all seriousness, everyone's going to be more stressed these next few years than we have been before because we're going to be going through some really big life changing events and we're going to have to become more and more independent. Stress is like a monster, you could either try to fight it all at once and hope you win, try and wait it out until you're more prepared (but don't wait too long or it'll get to you), or chip it away with a bunch of little things. That last one was a little vague, so I'll explain: take some time to focus on the little things that make you happy, find a place for them into your work. Sing while working on homework, binge watch a show on Netflix on a slow night, whatever little thing makes you happy. Eventually it'll stack up and that big stress monster is suddenly a lot more manageable that it was before. It's not going to seem like much at first, but working some fun into all that homework will help the time pass quicker and in a more enjoyable way. Or if anything, do something fun/relaxing after all that work, watch some Disney movies, listen to some pony songs, bake some cookies, whatever helps. If all else fails, the best thing may just to learn to accept it, bite the bullet, buckle down on work, and get it done quickly.


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