Fletcher Tweets and Whiteboard Shots

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

The Voice

There's always that little voice in the back of anybody's mind that just speaks to them. Like right now as I write in thinking about what I'm going to say before I even write it. I know at night before I sleep that voice almost always plagues me with all of the "what ifs" in the world. Most of the time it makes me regret not taking opportunities that I've had in the past but didn't take . With that being said, I've learned to jump when you're on top of that cliff. The cliff being the opportunity, and the water 30 feet below is the thing that distinguishes where or not you took the opportunity. I'm sorry in advance for having my thoughts so scrambled, but in my head they're so organized. I sometimes, no always, kind of fine it the slightest bit of humorous how I've had millions of conversations in my head that no one has ever heard or even known about. Also, I realized too that it's the repetitive monologue in my head that leads to most decisions that not only I, but you as well make on a day to day basis. One thing I truly admire about myself is my seemingly rare ability to think in debt about even the most shallow subjects. Although that sometimes leads to answering questions with even more questions. I know that if a person doesn't have unanswered questions then that simply makes them all-knowing. Anyways, everyday I learn more and more about the people, places, things, and ideas that surround me and the more I learn I just take note of it and stash it somewhere in my seemingly infinite labrynth of thoughts and ideas. 

1 comment:

  1. First off, I just want to say that i typed out a really long comment, and when i hit "preview," it just vanished. Oh well, here I go again. You say that you "know that if a person doesn't have unanswered questions then that simply makes them all-knowing." I would say that a person having no unanswered questions makes them ignorant. Maybe, paradoxically, ignorance and omnipotence are very similar. For example, in the novel 1984, the main character is forced to accept ignorance which demoralizes and dehumanized him to the point where he doesn't even want to live. Meanwhile, those who are completely ignorant are jovial with their love of big brother. Perhaps some of the most intelligent people have realized that happiness is the most important thing in this short life of ours and purposely silenced their inner monologue in exchange for a happier life of ignorance.


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