Fletcher Tweets and Whiteboard Shots

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Names and Coincidences

Since freshman year orientation, something has stuck with me. It has to do with names and their effect on people.  On that day, I remember my link leaders explaining how people like to hear their names told back to them. I know now that it was just a script (since I've been a leader myself), but it still sticks with me. When you hear your name, your attention is drawn instantly. You want to know who is saying it and why. However, that is not the only reason it draws our attention. you see, when someone says your name, things become more personal. It seems as though the person knows you better even though a name is nothing but something to refer to oneself. I guess it's because names are unique. I don't know of anyone named Chris Keith, and so when I think of my name I think of myself. When I think of my friends name, I think of my friend. So names give us individuality. They give us a sense of identity, we aren't just another person in the crowd. We like when people acknowledge us as just that, us. we like to be appreciated for who we are.
This train of thought led me to another idea. Does your name affect your personality? I know people who just look like they belong in the name they have, as if names were coats and each of us had a unique size corresponding with a certain name. Imagine a guy that totally looks like he should be named Steve instead of Joseph? Has the choice of his parents to name him a certain name affected him at all, even if only in the smallest of ways?
This led me to ponder the affect that small things have on our lives. I've had my life changed from small things that I've done or experienced in my life. Story time. The summer after sophomore year, I was at the mall with my good friend and we were at the apple store screwing around and we took some pictures on an iPad and made one picture the wallpaper. We left and walked around the mall some more. Meanwhile, our other friend and a girl I didn't know were in the apple store and they saw our picture and decided to go try to find us. They eventually did find us as we were walking out of the mall to go home, and we all ended up going to see World War Z together . That girl that I didn't know before that day became my best friend after that. We are still close. Now think back to all those tiny, insignificant choices that have affected that day. If we had not made that picture the wallpaper on that particular iPad, or  if they had not looked at that iPad, they would not have come to find us. If my friend and I had left 5 minutes earlier, they would have missed us, if we had decided to stay in a store a bit longer than we did, they may have missed us also. All those circumstances had to work out perfectly, and they did. All because of those small outcomes, I have one of the best people I've ever met in my life. It's mind blowing to think about what could happen or what could not happen just from the choices we make in this moment.
Yes I get that this blog post was rambling and seemingly unrelated to anything, but that's what happens when Chris Keith stays up late. Goodnight.


  1. This was slightly off topic but that okay because I was getting tired of reading the same old blog post. Life is really a crazy thing when you think about it. Any small thing we do can change what happens in our future in a big way, a small way, or maybe no way at all. This is proven in the story you told. As you said if you didn't make your picture the background of the iPad or maybe if you did something as simple as picked a different iPad you would have never met the person you now call one of your best friends. I have had many similar experiences. Situations where if I had done something slightly different, my future would have been completely new.
    Also, the whole time I was reading the section about how names can sort of define who you are, I was looking at my screen and nodding. It's all just so true. Coincidentally, people that share the same name often act similar and sometimes a name has a certain "look". It's hard to explain and it's all sort of confusing, but I know you get me. Like obviously not EVERYONE named Brooke is gonna act or look like me. Maybe it's just certain names. Maybe you just know a lot of people named a certain name that act alike. I don't know what it is, but I definitely know what you're saying. Good blog post Chris Keith!

  2. I understand where you get your curiosity from. Its like life is setup for you and the choices you make may lead to something different. Every situation is handled differently because of how you are feeling at the moment. Like you said, if you were to leave the apple store earlier you wouldn't have met one of your best friends. Everybody comes across different things in their lives because of who they are, who their parents are, where they live, how they grew up, who they know and what they know. Isn't crazy how life works? Great observation Chris.


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