Fletcher Tweets and Whiteboard Shots

Thursday, October 30, 2014


There's always a week when everything seems to be due at the same time. Instead of getting it all done before hand, I know most of us, or maybe just me, wait til the night before. It kind of feels like English is taking over our lives. Yesterday, Myah asked our cheer coach to put the music on the blog. It sounded normal at first, but then we realized that this blog is running our lives. We laughed pretty hard and our coach thinks we're crazy. You start to feel pretty crazy when you have  three typed papers, a blog, and government homework due all on the same day. I thought the Peter Elbow book was going to be boring or irrelevant, but it made me feel so much better about these assignments. Like yes, I do only have one night to finish, but it's feasible with his methods. Even just skimming through each chapter, picking up only a couple words, it makes a huge impact on my mindset. I don't plan on following each of his steps thoroughly; however, just knowing these rules makes writing easy.


  1. I understand exactly how you feel, and trust me you aren't the only one who waits till the night before to do their work. I feel like everything just snuck up on me and now I have all this work due Friday. It's so stressful because now I have to rush to finish all this work, but still have it come out good. Although, it always feels great after I have finished everything and turned it in. I am finally able to let out a breath of relief. Until I repeat the cycle all over again. I also agree with you that the Peter Elbow book is much more interesting and informative than I thought it would be. I thought it was going to be boring and just tell me a bunch of things I already know. I was surprised to find that what it said was something completely new. Peter Elbow's book has actually taken some of the stress out of writing my final draft because his methods make it seem fairly easy.

  2. I completely agree with you. I've procrastinated so much and now I'm stressing out because it's already five and I barely have anything done for tomorrow. I don't think it has anything to do with laziness either but just the fact that I have so much other stuff to do. To continue, I do have to say the Peter Elbow book is actually really helpful when writing and making my life go a lot smoother for ERW.

  3. I agree with this so much. I am always waiting till the last possible second to do something. Every time I do this I think to myself I should have done this earlier. I feel like our lives are taken over by school.
    Even though we may think things are irreverent now and won't help us later they will. ERW is one of those things. I thought the book Peter Elbow was going to be pointless but I actually found that it was interesting and helped me with my writing.

  4. This instatntly made me think of what Ms. Fletcher said in class, that is, we don't procrastinate because we're lazy, we procrastinate because we have so many other things to do in our life. Choosing to do something later rather than right now is definitely programed into everyone. Sadly this fact doesn't make it any easier to deal with the issue, shich is that procrastination totally screws us over. I think at least 50% of the time I am just being lazy, but at least I get my stuff done on time.
    Writing With Power is an interesting book because it is written all about writing. Simply picking out 8 words led me to read a good 45 pages, just jumping around looking for words that I not only did't know, but words that I wanted to find out what they meant. I thought it would be borring and tedious, but I was pleasently surprised.


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