Fletcher Tweets and Whiteboard Shots

Monday, October 27, 2014

Senior year

I thought senior year was suppose to be the best, funniest and stress free year? How come I'm so stressed & overwhelmed with everything that's going on. The fact that we won't be going to Mayfair High School anymore in just a couple months actually kind of scares me. I've grown so close to the people & the school & I never thought I'd be friends with the people I am today. Mayfair is like my second home, I've been going to The Fair since 7th grade, we've all seen each other at our worst. By this time next year, we won't be going to the same school anymore, we won't be seeing the same people anymore (unless you're going to the same schools)  we all watched each other grow into the people we are today, we've all seen each other go through puberty. I'm terrified for what's going to happen after graduation. My biggest fear is for my plan to not go as planned. I have this college plan all figured out & if it doesn't go the way  I planned it, I'm screwed because I don't really have a plan B. I don't know if this made any sense but I just had to let this out. 


  1. I completely understand your fear of your plan not going as planned. I have the same exact fear that leads me to moments of anxiety. There will be times where I'm super confident and feel like I have everything figured out enough to get me to the next step in my life, but then there are those days where I look around at everyone else, and they're all talking about what university they've applied to and then I'm just sitting here going, "Yeah, LBCC!"

    Then after all that worrying, I remind myself that almost everyone (even the ones talking about universities) is deathly afraid of failing, and of not having their plan go as they wish; and in an odd and slightly mean way, that makes me feel better about myself, knowing that event the 4.0 gpa, A+ average student is even afraid of how their future is going to play out. So, I don't know if this makes you feel any better, but I'm pretty worried about my future plans as well.

  2. I completely understand where you're coming from. My dream is to get into Howard, and I don't know what I'm going to if I don't get in. I have other back up schools but Howard is my number one choice. You and I both have to stay positive, that's the only thing left to do at this point. I thought my senior year wouldn't be this stressful but boy was I wrong. College apps has stressed me out to the point where I'm tired of college and I haven't even gotten there yet. You still have time to create a plan B. I think you should that would really be a wise idea.

  3. I also thought that senior year was going to be the easiest year out of all of our high school years, but it's not as easy as I expected so far. I had an appointment with my eye doctor the other day and when my doctor found out that I was a senior, he said, "Oh senior year? Easy huh." Well, I guess it is easier compared to the other years because most of us only have few more classes to take to graduate and some of us can even leave the school campus early or get to school later. Yeah, these little privileges as a senior are fun but I think that the main reason why some of us are stressing out is because of all the pressure of applying to colleges and keeping up with all of the due dates for applications, scholarships, and etc. All I can say is that we should try to look at the positive side of things and have hope in ourselves that we will successfully get through this year with smiles on our faces and be on our way to the next exciting stage in our lives. Also, it is normal to be afraid of the unknown life after high school but I'm sure that it will be exciting in many ways. That is how I see it at least in order to get that fear of "life after graduation" out of my brain.


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