Fletcher Tweets and Whiteboard Shots

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Humbled Holidays

     At the moment, my mom and I have just returned home from Christmas shopping which included the gift for the family member my table was assigned. With the money the members of my table gave and my money as well, I was able to buy what the father, who we were assigned, wanted and just a bit more. It was an awesome feeling being able to spend the few extra dollars to get this father more than he is expecting. I also felt very humbled the first time I read what he wanted. A jacket, a long sleeve shirt and cologne of any kind is all he asked for which isn't a lot. Those are the basic things most of us have on a daily basis and it isn't a big deal when we need to replace those items. It's moments like these where I realize how much we all take for granted day after day. It makes my heart happy knowing that I was able to gift this father with just a bit more than what he was asking for and I hope everyone else is feeling this way too because it really is a different type of happy. Well that's my two cents for the day, I am now off to wrap the gifts!

Thursday, December 4, 2014

A Changed Heart Indeed.

Animal rights is an extremely controversial topic. You see each year more than 100 million animals are experimented on. At this very moment, there are mice, rats, dogs, cats, monkeys, pigs, birds, hamsters and many other types of animals that are locked away in cages going through a great deal of pain. They go through the day in their cages being pricked, drugged, observed and mistreated only to relive the same moments again the very next day, literally a living nightmare. Remind me exactly as to why they are being experimented on again? Because from what I have researched 92% of the experimental drugs that are safe to animals fail in human clinical trials. 
People truly don't care because it's not something they truly take in mind, at least that's what I think. We don't see the mistreatment with our own eyes, so we don't actually see the true cruelty that lies in the laboratories. But if you were to google "animal cruelty", you'd see so many pictures of experimented and mistreated animals that you'll think yourself as to why animals don't have rights. Animals can be so much more than just experiments,  yet scientists don't see it that way. The way I see it they view animals like something that can be easily replaced and aren't capable of anything, but in reality they are so much more.
When you have pets yourself you're able to observe the way they act and how might just be feeling. Therefore, I've always thought that animals were smart, but I wasn't aware that they were capable of showing intelligence. It was because of Rifkan's article, "A Change Heart about Animals," where I came across four bold animals. Betty and Abel, New Caledonian crows, picked their food out with a hook from a hole, but it was Betty who made a hook from a straight wire nine out the tens times. Koko, a gorilla, has mastered over 1,000 sign and understands several thousands of English words. And then there is an orangutan named Chantek who showed self awareness when he was able to groom his teeth and adjust his sunglasses when given a mirror. 
The thing is that animals are used for so much nowadays that it's just ridiculous. Animals well they are animals, we don't speak the same language, unless your Chantek, but we don't know what animals are thinking either. We can probably have a clue as to what they're thinking due to their emotions or the way they are acting, but the thing is we don't know. They can't speak up, they can't talk, they can't tell you what they are feeling every time they are injected with something new because most likely their bodies weren't able to handle the first injection and died before the second. We need to speak up for animals to end all the experimentation and cruelty, because if we don't then who will?

Learning Before Grades

This has been on my mind all week. Mr. Green has said time and time again this year to my class that we need to learn first, to want to learn, and that grades will come with that. The pursuit of learning is the reason school existed in the first place. Tests are not devices created to torment and stress out students. They are exactly what they sound like, a test to see if you know it or not. I always try to think of ways that we could use tests as a learning device rather than a dreaded necessity. I think Mr. Green also has a great idea with his test corrections policy. Allowing students to see what they did wrong so as to correct it and at least get some points back. However I think the pursuit of learning has been destroyed with the mentality of some students who do whatever they can for the grade. I used to be that way, doing only what I had to in order to receive a good grade. However now in a few of my classes I actually research topics outside of class and *gasp* it isn't required. I enjoy learning a lot and it saddens me when I never see anyone else get excited about learning. Maybe part of it is that being "nerdy" is looked down upon? But I know I'm nerdy and I think I am a fairly cool person... Is that arrogant? lol. Anyway as I was saying, there have been times in my high school career when I've had my mind blown, when I've been intrigued by a topic and looked up things on it on my own. There have even been times when I've spent hour researching, but not a single topic. I just read articles, watch videos, and read comments. I let those take me other places and I just keep going until I feel fulfilled. shoot, I've even started taking notes on some things on my own because I feel I should look into it more on my own. I write down ideas I have while I read on my own on little post-it notes so I don't forget. I even look forward to tests because although they are stressful, they let me prove what I know, what I've learned, and how I've progressed, not only to others but to myself as well.  I am realizing now more than ever that I love to learn and if that makes me a nerd or a weirdo than I say hell yeah I'm a nerd. Because I know that the things I remember most are not formulas and techniques for writing essays that I hated. I remember the awesome stuff, like the brilliant life realizations I've made in stats class. And if i can have a great experience learning, then I know I'm that much better equipped to remember what I learned. Sure I have times when I don't want to do work but I feel as long as I'm learning the material and I am interested, that's what matters. I the only one who enjoys learning? Because I usually come to school in a relatively good mood every day while everyone else seems to be sullen and angry that they are being forced to accept an education. I continually have my vibe killed by the people who see school as a type of necessary Hell before they reach the "Heaven" of a good real life. Am I the only one?
It's been so difficult with Thanksgiving break ending and Christmas break quickly approaching to get my mind on track and focused in school. My procrastination and laziness have only gotten worse and my mind is on these breaks and not in the classroom. I love learning and I really do enjoy this class it's just been hard for me to get the ball rolling on this. I can't believe it's already December. We're almost done with the first semester and it's all going by so quickly. I really feel the need to motivate myself because my attitude and work ethic now is not going to fly in college. So slowly I try to fix my bad habits and get myself on track. Hopefully I'm fully prepared by the end of this year!

Double Standard

After reading "Hooked on a Myth" by Victoria Braithwaite it opened my eyes to  a lot of things wrong with how we treat and think about other living creatures. I feel that there is this double standard held by humans that we are the only ones who feel and understand. This double standard is also held with animals as well for example how we treat dogs vs how we treat fish. Although this may possibly be true in some areas it's wrong to assume things without scientific proof. This double standard is also held with animals as well for example how we treat dogs vs how we treat fish. People seem to think that if we don't see it it isn't happening. Like how Braithewaite talked about the fish having the same pain receptors as humans. But not only with what Braithwaite mentioned, the way we have industrialized the food industry has made the killing of animals for food so unethical. I'm not saying everyone should become a vegan. I'm trying to say that every living thing deserves to live and die in an ethical and dignified way. I understand our demand is so high for these foods, but there needs to be a better way. I plan on starting to eat only free range meat and looking more into this subject.


All this talk about fish and whether they have consciousness or not has befuddled me and motivated me to do research on the matter. If animal rights activists are to judge and calculate the consciousness of nonhuman animals they should first think of how humans are different from the rest of the organisms out there. We are obviously more superior and intellectual, and we are the only organism to have evolved and adapted in such a short time, and to have made a great leap in intellect and consciousness. This is what I believe separates us from other organisms; you don’t see fish evolving or adapting to the changing world, or dogs, or even primates.
A “mirror test” brought up by Gordon G. Gallup, a psychologist, is able to expand on the matter. By revealing a mirror to chimpanzees that have never seen one before they expressed the ability of self recongnition, as does a human baby when exposed to a mirror. This test is just one of many ways to measure the cognitive levels of animals in relation to humans.

The Greek philosopher, Aristotle, describes humans as having “rational souls” and other animals as being a suited with their instincts in reproduction and survival. This argument about mans place in the world is still present in our society and what is the true meaning of reasoning and if other animals display it. The main question is how can how can one know that others have mental states that are anything like one's own? Until there is evidence of consciousness of nonhuman animals then there deserves to be rights and the question of ethics and morals, but until that happens the world should continue what it’s doing because it is neither bad nor good, it’s just natures way.

Guys, Come On

Okay, guys. Let's get it together real quick. 

While reading these last couple articles, did you find yourself being persuaded to follow a view you didn't believe before? Braithwaite and Rifkin both wrote hard-hitting, well backed editorials on the subject of animal rights. They did their research, they made their opinions, and you know damn well you believed them during at least one point in their article. Why? Because they are well respected scientists with a place of position.

ETHOS, PATHOS, LOGOS. Whether or not you believe that animals deserve rights or have feelings or whatever, they hit you with a great pity story (pathos), coaxing language (ethos), and straight up facts (logos). All three of these aspects allowed these authors to develop and introduce an opinion in totally effective ways.

I disagree with majority of the points they bring up such as the ideas that animals deserve rights, we should stop hunting, and even eating meat. The arguments that Braithwaite and Rifkin write, however, are so ridiculously backed and nonetheless true that it makes it hard to ignore or even go against because they are CREDIBLE writers.

This leads me to my last point. How credible are you? How credible am I? This unit focuses on our pathos, logos, and ethos. We are here trying to build credibility as writers, but all I've read on the different blogs is about how we shouldn't eat fish because they have feelings and how animals are our friends. But lets be real: the majority of you eat meat, you eat eggs, you use lotion that is "tested on rabbits", you visit the zoo, love the aquarium. Aren't all these things we supposedly "go against"? You can't advocate one cause while unknowingly supporting the same thing you are voicing against. Not to bash on anyone, seriously, but this discredits you as a writer. It disables you from forming a strong opinion. Where is your ethos, logos, and pathos?


Pathos is all about the emotion of the audience "Appeals to the emotions & passions are very effective & are very common in our society,"  I think this quote is important because many people base things off of appeal.  If a commercial comes on & shows sick abandoned dogs, you can't help it but feel bad for them.  Pathos is used by many commercials & advertisement companies.  It is also used by many dictators like in the John Edlund's article "Three ways to persuade" (12) he talks about how Hitler used pathos so the Germans could go against the Jews & which led o the Holocaust.  This article mostly using pathos for violence but I believe you can use pathos in other situations other than violence, such as getting someone to buy my hair product if I sell hair straighteners I can tell my customers how the straighteners has negative ions which allows all your natural oils in your hair moisturize it.  I can tell them how its the best straighter out their & how they need to buy it to feel ten times better about themselves.  I don't know if you caught on but if you add a little bit of lie to the truth the customer will want to buy it because she is going to start thinking about how great she will feel after she does her hair which will make her want to buy my product. 

Pathos is many used to make people feel a certain way in order to get the to do what you want.

Nicholas James on Empathy

The subject is so broad. The perspectives differ. You agree or disagree. Simple. I have read the numerous responses and they all seem to be copies of one another and I find it interesting. Of course, that may have caused me to lose an audience but those who want to continue then follow me. I'm empathic in the way in which I understand why they all seem so bland and repetitive. This is a homework assignment, I mean who actually enjoys homework? Whether you really mean what you're saying or not this is for you.  Bare with me though, my point will reveal itself shortly. Technically, we are all animals and it's an insult for me to read how some of my classmates who I know on a more personal level preach about such empathy for the animals that are on a far lower level of intellect than we are, then treat their fellow humans like their existence is purposeless. If you are offended by my words then the boot must evidently fit but keep reading. I myself do not express empathy to its highest degree for my fellow people therefore I will not preach about how cruel the individuals are that don't express it for creatures more primitive than I. Empathy for animals does not include treating them as a human being would be treated because they are not human (the lower intellect species I mean), but to respect them as an individual "writer" contributing their verse to the all powerful play called life is another story. In my opinion, expendable species that reproduce at a much faster rate than others are well, expendable, to a certain extent. To survive and thrive is the human way and that is what we have been doing since the beginning of man, but that has been at the cost of extinction for several species. This is when we must take a step back and look at the much larger picture and wander what we can do to stop such occurrences. Without the use of animals for our benefit such as consumption, animal testing, protection, etc., we would not be where we are now. For you to disregard that solid fact then that is simply classified as being indenial. Now as a reminder I am not saying lower intellect animals are useless and should be senselessly "juiced" for our benefit. I am saying that it is a metaphorical slap in the face to know you'd have the nerve to even think creatures such as dogs, cats, lions, tigers, and bears should be treated like a person when you can't treat all humans as an individual person. We all read the articles and know how these writers appeal to our logic and emotions. That should not make us want to stop "harming" animals but rather influence us to stop such trivial hobbies such as fishing. It should make us question whether the king of the jungle wants to be confined in a cage, even if that cage is 100mx100m because it is not a jungle. It should make you wander why you're saying things like aquariums are cruel when you know if you got tickets to seaworld you'd be in the front row to see Shamu swim in circles. Let those creatures rule their own domain while we rule ours. Let them contribute their verse. But before you go and worry about whether the pig wanted to be bacon then worry about whether that homeless man wants to be freezing his ass off in the pouring rain while we sit in our heated homes doing things like blogging with our pet dog more cozy than he is. We can be such hypocrites. All of us. If you are offended then so be it. These are facts. I think I've made my point pretty clear. If I haven't then feel free to ask questions but I fail to find interest in involving myself in a response to a counter argument. 

Animals Are Friends!!

The fact that there are people out there who believe that animals shouldn't have rights, completely baffles me. We're forced to coexist with these things...they might look a lot different than humans, but they DO feel, which is basically proven in Victoria Braithwaite's "Hooked on a Myth". I understand the fact that people like to hunt and fish and all of that, which isn't completely awful, but there definitely is a line. Everything in moderation, nothing in excess. I feel like because we can't hear what animals have to say about, well, anything, we fail to consider the fact that they are moving, breathing organisms who have family's and homes and feel hurt just like we do. Just like humans do. So yeah. Animals definitely should have certain rights, because if we could hear them, I'm sure they'd have a lot to say to the people who don't think they should.

The Next Step

I hate how high school is all about passing classes. I mean I get that's how school is, but shouldn't it be more preparing yourself to what's to come in the future? I feel schools more about memorizing and test taking. That's how we get our grades. But what about people that aren't necessarily the best test takers, like me? Does that mean I'm stupid? No. When it comes down to it I think we should be learning more about what's really gonna matter in a couple of years rather than some stuff we learn about now. In a couple of years I'm gonna have to deal with taxes and voting and a bunch more "adult stuff," like shouldn't more of that stuff be taught in school? I guess that's just my opinion but I think it would be way more beneficial for students in the end. 
College should be a place where you learn more of the "academic" aspect in your life. Because by then you've already figured or beginning to figure out what you want to do in life. That's when you pick your major and start to learn things for a job that you wanna take on. If I wanna do something in marine biology, what is math going to help me with? This is just my opinion but sometimes I think some things we do in school is just pointless. 

Uh yeah. Yay animals 🐷

In ERW we have been studying persuasive writing through the subject of animal rights. I never thought about animal-rights being a controversial topic, but after reading several articles on the matter I see now how dedicated individuals can be over animal-rights. Bob Steven's LA Times letter to the editor shocked me. I cannot believe a man got so upset over another man caring for animals! I never questioned that animals were intelligent or had physical feelings, but I have questioned if animals were creatures of emotion. I know that certain species have loyalties or love towards their offspring, but I still don't know the extent to the emotions a animal may feel. I have a strong feeling mammals are "in tune" with their emotions, but what about other creatures like birds, fish, or reptiles? Despite my uncertainties, I have always had a heart for animals and have hated seeing them mistreated. It appalls me how animals have been treated in the past and at times even now. How can people care more about a profit than a living thing. I guess that was a reference to Blackfish and meat companies... On that note, I am an omnivore and love meat. I don't think that makes me hypocritical. I think that is kind of just the "circle of life" "survival of the fittest" or what ever. If the roles were reversed and I was an animal in the wild, I would hope that Homo sapiens would care enough to make sure my specie wasn't extinct or struggling. If I was an animal raised to be someone's dinner, I hope someone would care that I lived a nice animal life and when it was my time, that I would go humanely.

The end?

Animal rights

I don't particularly like the the topic of animal rights because it is so complex. If you say certain animals should have more rights where do we stop? Should all animals have these rights and if not where do we draw the line? People say that animals don't have mortality or feel pain but that was proven wrong so are they human. I believe that animals should have rights but to a certain extent. They are animals not humans therefore they should not be declared as humans but the way animals are treated is not right. They should not be subjected to painful experiments or be put in horrible living conditions before they are slaughtered. I feel like we forget that animals do feel pain and they aren't just property we can throw around. I don't think that we should stop eating animals because I think that is just part of the food chain but we should at least not treat them so badly. 

Social Hierarchy of Animals

In our culture, there is an obvious social hierarchy of animals. Animals that are common household pets such as cats and dogs, are treated human-like or as "a part of the family".  We give them special shelter, food, and even treat them to privileged healthcare.  Furthermore, we look down upon other cultures that decide to consume animals that have a higher social status. Domesticated animals receive many benefits that many animals do not. Most pets do not provide any benefits as where as a cow that provides many resources and benefits is not treated as fairly and with so much regard. But why do we only extend our empathy to certain animals?  Why do we treat some animals as "pets" and other animals as test subjects and food?  These rights of socially higher domesticated animals can reach farm animals, experimental animals, and maybe wild animals.

Why I support Animal Rights.

          I have supported animal rights for as long as I remember.  It's probably because I have always had animals in my life and I have always known they all have their own personalities.  I understand where everyone is coming from when they say humans come first, but I just can't think that way because to me animals and humans are equal.  We all feel emotions and have personalities.  I try to live by my rule of "If I wouldn't do it to a human, I wouldn't do it to an animal."  I never really applied this much to fish though, until last summer when I read the book The Emotion Lives of Animals, which was sort of like all of our articles combined into one book.  That was when I first learned that fish could feel a lot more than I thought.  I made the decision after that that even though fishing was fun there was really no good reason for me to be fishing.  This book in general though just made me feel really bad for how much animals have to deal with for the sake of humans.
         Another reason I support animal rights is that animals aren't bad.  When animals kill its for food or protection.  The only animals that kill just because they can are humans and apes (because they are so closely related to humans).  Also, humans really haven't done anything good for this planet other than pollute and overpopulate it.  Maybe this sounds crazy, but if there wasn't a law against cruel and unusual punishment, I'd much rather them test medicine on criminals than animals.  Mostly because those animals have never done anything wrong in their lives, in fact most of them are born in labs, so they don't even have a chance to do anything that people might consider "bad".  They've done nothing to deserve such a horrible life, while people like Charles Manson are just sitting in prison.  I would probably feel better about testing medicine on animals if it weren't so inhumane.
          I believe animals really need to be treated with more respect because they are so much more intelligent than we think.  Every time I see something about Koko I'm amazed because a gorilla was able to learn sign language.  I just don't see how we think of them as so much lower than us just because they aren't the same as us.  I mean we keep whales and dolphins in captivity and have them to tricks for us when they are so much smarter than that.  It has been proven that the have their own languages and they have names for each other, which is just mind blowing because that was something that was very distinctly human and now we know whales do that.  Animals deserve so much more than being forced to sacrifice their lives for us.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

For animal rights or not?

Right now with this arguments between animal rights or no animal rights has got me stuck right in the middle. I say this because of my personality I am a really nice person that can never decide on debates or decision. So for now I am in the middle. I say this because yes we have moments where we feel bad for the animals, so then right on the top of minds without consideration we say that animals deserve animal rights. With that I feel bad for animals because animals play a huge connection to our lives, and they can change who we are. That it makes us sad when the animal research project torture the animals, that we say it's wrong. Yes I do agree but then I don't because humans have the same amount if rights when it comes to diseases and cancers. Shouldn't we consider the same respect because humans don't always have a perfect life just like animals, cause some of them are homeless, starving, poor, have cancer and diseases. If we do then the human's precious life will be better, so therefore the results will also impact the animals with better enviornment just cause of this little fix. Just like Yong, author of the article "Of Primates and Personhood: Will According Rights and Dignity to Nonhuman Organisms Halt Research," humans at the same time deserve dignity just like animals with all this corruption going on. Therefore I also agree with animal rights because it can help the humans in need get better and as of result can also make the lifes of animals better. Even though the change in animal genetics is a very risky option. As of result still can't make the decision to choose which side to be on.

Animal Stuff

        I'm just going to start off by saying I hate the topic of animal rights. Something about it really frustrates me and I don't know what it is.
        We are humans which means that we are meant to eat meat. I completely understand that animals in large slaughterhouses are treated like crap in the short life they live. I also understand that it's "cruel" because animals feel pain and they have emotions just like us. At the end of the day, they're going to die and end up on our dinner plates. That's just life; however, someone should come up with a better/ cleaner way to take care of the animals prior to them being killed because that's just the right thing to do. They are already on their way to being slaughtered the best thing to do it to at least keep them happy. On the other hand, I don't agree with the people that think animals shouldn't be killed at all because like I said before we are supposed to eat meat. Circle of life. Blah blah blah. I was just thinking about how animals go about their day perfectly fine eating each other and not caring about the emotions of their food... just something to consider.  
        Then there is this whole thing with respect which is mentioned in the articles. I do agree that animals deserve respect but only to a certain extent. If you need to shoot down a cow in order to eat, I believe that it is fine, but obviously it's not right to just start hitting your dog or keeping animals all locked up and not taken care of AT ALL. That's just common sense though like really?? OBVIOUSLY ANIMAL ABUSE ISNT OKAY. Also, I really can't believe in one of these articles it mentioned something about having respect for plants. No. Just no. Yeah take care of the environment, but you don't have to like go outside and have a play date with your garden so you can make your flowers happy. That's probably not even what it meant, but that's exactly what I'm picturing. Lol. 
I felt like this was all over the place, but I don't care (: I just needed to let off some steam because this topic drives me crazy.

This is a Title

I’ve always believed that animals were able to feel just as much, maybe a little more or less, as humans do. In my mind, it never occurred to me that people would ever think that animals didn't have the ability to feel pain. Emotions, I understand, could be questionable because people choose how they want to see and interpret things. For me, a dog or cat whose face that I look into is easier for me to believe can feel emotions than an ant or a cockroach that I will ultimately step on and crush until they die…. in a nice way. But if you were to ask an insect enthusiast how they felt on the matter, they would most likely disagree with me. In one of the responses to Rifkin, Bob Stevens, who is against Rifkin’s claims, says that Rifkin is implying that animal lives are more important than human ones. I didn’t feel that that was necessary because I feel that taking Rifkin’s claims and twisting it in a way that could make a reader hate animals in uncalled for. All in all I do believe that animals can feel pain and some can feel emotions so they should be treated like they should.

*side note* I don’t know if you guys know this, but it’s raining outside

Has the Meaning Been Lost?

The video by Jeremy Rifkin that we watched in class a few days ago was one of the most thought provoking things I have come across this year in school. However I feel as though so many people are only seeing the main point, that empathy is necessary for us to survive, as a support for their animal rights belief. I cannot fathom how these people can support animal rights so strongly, yet show so little empathy and compassion for fellow human beings. Rifkin states in the video that we must start thinking as an "Extended Family." Meaning everyone together. He goes on to say we must extend our identities to our fellow humans as a race. Only after that does he include other creatures and the rest of the biosphere. He says Humans first, meaning we have to empathize with, and have compassion for each other before we start defending animals.
Okay great there are rules for pigs to have toys so they don't fight with each other. There are crows who can fashion hooks out of wire. There's even a gorilla who can use sign language. Fish feel pain. Great apes have rights in Spain. Why is it that we put those matters over the importance of humanity's well being? We have people who put the importance of their dog before that of other people. There are  individuals who are passionate about the fact that testing of medication of animals is horribly wrong, yet have most likely benefited from said medications in the past, or will in the future. There are millions of dollars being donated every year to animal rights. There are commercials from the SPCA that allow people to adopt a dog by sending money to take care of it. And yet there are still starving, homeless, and needy people everywhere. There are people who have hit hard times and have no homes, no jobs, no one to care for them. Yet some people will gladly invest their paychecks in animals rather than in those people in need.
Yes, Empathy is needed. Yes, there are animals that need help, but when did those animals become more of a pressing matter than Human Beings in our communities who are in need? I think empathy is plentiful, it is just ill-spent.

Fish Are Friends, Not Food

     Fish are friends, not food. I'm not going to lie, I came up with this title in class the other day and I felt so clever about it, you can even ask George, Nathaniel or Chris. My cleverness aside *wink*, this title does relate a whole lot to the topics we have been discussing in class. In Hooked On A Myth, we explored the idea that fish feel pain and are conscious of it. I believe that fish along with many other animals, do know what pain is. I don't think it's fair that we take advantage of animals. Just because they can't speak doesn't mean that they do not suffer or even know what pain is.

     Braithwaite suggests also that if we can not determine what our own consciousness is, then how can we decided whether or not animals are conscious. I think humans are pretty selfish in the way that we breed animals for slaughter and don't even treat them in a humane way during the days that they have to be alive. Now, I am not saying that everyone should stop eating meat. I mean, people have been eating animal meat for centuries upon centuries, so there is no way you can convince everyone to stop eating meat. What, I think should happen, is that animals should be given a happy life even if they are only alive for a month or so. We as humans have assumed this role as "God" for the animals that are below us on the food chain (our food chain that is) and yet we don't take the time to at least provide a good life for these animals that we are determining fate for.

     I think the least we could do is give the animals a good place to live not only for them but also for the cleanliness of the food we eat. Most animals that are bred for their meat are kept in dark dirty places and fed processed food that is supposed to speed up their growing process in order to meet a deadline for that meat company. Not only is this a sad way to treat animals but its an unhealthy way for us to be raising our livestock and the things we put inside our bodies. If we were to give the animals open places to live and the right kind of food not only would we be doing a good thing for those animals but it would also be a way for us to start eating "clean". These animals aren't here for long, and its up to us to give them good lives while they're here. Fun fact: it has been proven that pigs are smarter than dogs. Just something to ponder the next time you're chewing on a piece of bacon.

     In short, what I took from the articles that we read in class, is that we as humans have a responsibility to take care of the creatures and animals that are around us and if we are determining the life span of these animals, why not provide a good life for them while they're here? We also need to take a step back when we speak of ourselves so highly in the animal kingdom; we are incapable of determining our own consciousness, so who are we to say that other animals aren't conscious as well?

Do fish really have feelings ? I never thought about that until reading the article by Victoria Braithwaite. She brought a new perspective to my mind and I couldn't stop thinking if she was right or wrong. I always thought fish get hooked and then they're on the boat and after that they're in my stomach. The thought of they might have gone through pain never crossed in my mind. This article made me think. It made me think about how I've neglected a fish's feelings all my life. I only matched feelings with dogs or any other household animal. Even though people keep goldfish as pets , how much do they really interact with them ? Just feeding them twice a day doesn't count either. Or for instance , animals at the zoo or sea world have feelings to me and I feel very sorry for them , but why don't fish join that same category in my head with the rest of the animals ? These questions don't have answers but it's just crazy to think that I've never thought about a fish's feelings. And have you ever noticed that there are charities for basically every animal , but I never recall seeing one for fish. They're the ugly duckling no one cares about. I've probably thought about every other animal besides them and I bet the rest of the world has too. We all need to stop and think about a fish's emotions once in awhile. 


The video we watched in class was intriguing because it laid out so many points and questions that all led to the same thing. Empathy. Over the years, humans have been able to feel for other people and animals, or put themselves in their shoes. When people feel for eachother, they take care of eachother, and that's what keeps the world going. This idea of considering others has led to animal rights and has protected creatures from cruelty. Animals shouldn't be treated any less because we are all going through struggles. A human struggle may be different from a creature's struggle, but a struggle is a struggle, right? In the end we are all just trying to survive in the world and why should a dog suffer because it's not a person. The urge to save animals leads to saving their environment which is our environment. Techniqually, we are saving ourselves because we are all connected. To help yourself you should care about your surroundings. I believe that a little empathy goes a long way. 

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Am I for or against animal rights?

Animal rights are a very sketchy topic for me because I am not sure where I stand. I feel like I am in the middle but I lean towards not supporting animal rights more. I believe that we should have some level of respect for animals because we are more alike than it seems. However, when it comes to animal testing, I will always be for it because I rather save a human life before an animal’s life. I think humans are more important than animals. I never understand how people are so quick to save animals but have no problem disregarding all the human lives that could have been possibly saved.      
            When it comes to animal testing, I believe that we should only test on them when it’s absolutely necessary because they should not have to suffer the way they do. For some odd reason, I feel like the only animals scientists should experiment on are rats. I don’t know why I feel that way maybe it’s because I dislike them so much. Does that make me a horrible person?
            Even though I believe that animals should have some form of respect, I just don’t know how much respect they deserve. I have no problem with giving them respect but in my opinion they will never be on a higher pedestal than human. We did not need an article to tell us that animals have feelings because that was super obvious. Dogs cry when they are sad or hurt. They will even get excited when their owner returns or when its play time. However, I still don’t know how much respect they deserve.

            I was watching the Great Barrier Reef on television and I saw a crab attack a baby turtle and I got sad; luckily the baby turtle escaped and survived. I wonder why it’s plausible for animals to eat other animals but as soon as a human does it, it’s wrong. I am a meat eater and I always will be. So why am I ridiculed for my preference it’s a way of life, just like animals eating other animals is their way of life. Now this brings me back to the topic of respect because animals do not respect or care about the other animal it kills or eats. So why am I ridiculed for eating meat or not giving them certain “respect” that they deserve? And yes I did take this idea from one of our articles.


I've been thinking a lot lately, mostly about my past and my future. All throughout high school, I've felt that I've been babied a lot by certain teachers. We have to raise our hand to speak because it is considered rude to do so otherwise and have to ask to go to the bathroom, which upsets teachers because we are cutting into their precious class time. Having them on our backs all the time about getting our work done and making sure our grades stay up, it was overwhelming the majority of the time. They told us that we weren’t mature enough to make certain decisions, but that there would come a time when we would be. Teachers always told us that the things they did were in our best interests because they were preparing us for the perils of college. Fast forward to now, I know that in college nothing will be the same. In the short period of time between high school graduation and your first day of college, you’ve magically become an adult. Professors don’t care enough about each individual student to always be on their backs. You don’t get babied and you sure as hell don’t have to ask to go to the bathroom. You can not show up to class for a week and it will go unnoticed by your professors. Professors are only there to teach and if you do not get on board with that, you’ll fail. They’re not there to hold your hand every step of the way to make sure that you don’t fall. We’ve had so much help so that we don’t fail in high school, but in college, failure is inevitable. I guess what I’m trying to say here is that, honestly, I’m scared of having to go to college. I’m scared of having to make my own decisions and being completely accountable for my mistakes because no one else can take the blame except for me. I’m scared of having to take a chance on something, knowing that there is a possibility that it won’t work out. I’m scared of being lost and completely confused about what I’m doing with my life. All in all, I’m just scared.

The Empathic Civilization

Thursday, November 20, 2014

AF: Rifkin Precis, by AFletcher

In an editorial piece entitled “A Change of Heart About Animals” published in the Los Angeles Times (Sept. 1, 2003), Jeremy Rifkin suggests that recent animal research demonstrates that humans have more in common with animals “than we ever imagined.”  Rifkin offers examples of research that seem to debunk the notions of what makes humans unique among creatures:  our emotional lives, our sense of self and individualism, our awareness of mortality and grief, our brain chemistry, and our ways of teaching and learning between parents and children.  Rifkin suggests that the next step in the evolution of human thought is to recognize all that we share in common with animals, in order to broaden our empathy towards them, and to extend rights to animals under the law.  Rifkin’s argument is targeted at a fairly sophisticated newspaper audience (the reader who makes it to the editorial pages), and assumes that human rights are a shared value, and utilizing a conversational, informal tone, makes his appeal through emotion and logic, and carefully chosen examples.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

AF: The Latest -- Three Things

Kids, I just have a few things to say -- first, the blog is open again and waiting for you to write 1 Post and 2 Comments about the "Rhetoric of Op-Ed" articles and ideas.  You can write about any of the articles (Rifkin, Braithwaite, Yong), or you can write about rhetorical appeals and how these appeals function in the texts, situations and conversations that we encounter.

TWO:  I want you to start writing your rhetorical precis for "Hooked by a Myth."  Have a draft on Thursday, and a final on Friday.

THREE:  Also, start looking for your own Op-Ed piece.  Good places to look are the Op-Ed sections of
  1. The Los Angeles Times
  2. The New York Times
  3. The Washington Post
  4. The Wall Street Journal

AF: Scholarship Spreadsheet, November 2014

Here is a link to available scholarships that was just forwarded from Mrs. Lane.  Check it out!

Bellflower residents:  don't forget that Bravo scholarship.  The essay is due to Mr. Vinagupta by Friday, December 5, so write it during the break and schedule time  with me for comments or help between Monday - Thursday, December 1-4.

Thursday, November 6, 2014


I feel like I'm always thinking about how fast things are moving. I wake up, get ready, go to school, get home, do homework, sleep, then do it all over again. Things are happening and memories are being made and the future is now the past. It's freaking crazy. I just want to be able to look back and know that I lived my life how I wanted to. I don't want to get so caught up in everything that I forget what's actually happening right in front of me, whats really important. All of this must be a part of growing up. I feel like my days are getting shorter and shorter, and it seems like that comes with age. I guess things really do happen in the blink of an eye, but I wish I would have figured that out a little earlier because I would have taken a lot more pictures and laughed a lot more. I would have taken the time to get to know people, and I wouldn't have been so quick to say no to a lot of things. Now that I've realized this, though, I can really start enjoying life. Probably the worst thing you could do to yourself would be to waste time...and by the time that you realize it's wasted, its going to be hell trying to catch up to it. So I'm trying to focus on the good things, now. Getting my homework done and turning it on time, drinking iced coffee as often as possible, reading at the park. Take your time while doing the things you enjoy, even the little things like that.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Thoughts & Questions NJ

I know not the full requirements for the blog for I have heard several different things, but I have been led to believe that the more we blog the better. I believe that like myself the night almost automatically makes people think more. (Excuse the typos and bare with me). I have questions and what better place to ask them than along with my 35 (give or take a few) "colleagues". We are all afraid of going to college and moving on from highschool, but I really think that it's the ambiguity of how college really may be that makes us anxious. The lack of knowledge about a subject oftenly results in fear because we're almost instinctively wired to fear what we don't know. You may feel differently but that's beside the point. It kind of reminds me of love and how everybody experiences it differently. I have several questions but with all of the homework that has yet to be done I want to ask one: if you knew you'd be academically successful in college would there be anything else to stress about? 

@ Ms. Fletcher


So just a couple hours ago I went to the AT&T store to get a replacement phone because my phone was stolen on Halloween (different story) but while my mom and I were waiting to be helped the worker guy kept looking at me wanting to help us. So he did after a 20 mins of waiting. His name was Jose, he asked me if I was in middle school (that made me sad) but I laughed and told him I was senior in high school. Right when I said that he said "how is it? Easy?" I laughed and said "not at all". I don't understand why people just automatically think that senior year is easy...I mean it may be like 2nd semester or something but right now  it's not. My parents & family & even my friends parents have asked me about my plans for college. I tell them that I'm going to community then transferring but I feel and see some disappointment in their face because I'm going to community since my cousins want straight into a four year but I don't see what's so bad about it? I don't want to disappoint them, that's the last thing I want to do but I feel like it's way to late to fix that. Oh and I changed my major about 4 times already and it's only first semester...I need to get my life together. I was just rambling but I needed to put this somewhere...thanks & goodnight! 

Saturday, November 1, 2014

What do you read?

About two, three years ago, I found something that pretty much turned my life around. This something is reading. Never in my life would I have imagined myself loving to read, in fact I have found a huge comfort in doing so. I actually remember back when I was younger I actually hated books and reading, and now I just can never have enough. In fact it’s so bad sometimes that I actually get in trouble for reading some much. Reading, it’s my safe haven, my getaway from everything that goes on around me.
I love to read books that fall under the following criteria: young adult, contemporary, romance, fantasy, science fiction, and dystopian. I’d rather read fiction, non-fiction seems  extremely banal to me. I like entering a creative, imaginative, and interesting world and I feel that I can only do that with fiction books.
It was because of Stephenie Meyer’s, Twilight series that got me really interesting in reading. I remember when my cousin had invited me to go watch Twilight, she had mentioned that the movie was based on books and that there were three other books. The very next day I had gone to buy the books and that was how my love for books began. However, it was because of Ms. Swieck that I was even introduced to The Hunger Games. The Hunger Games trilogy is my absolute favorite of all time.
Some other all time favorites are The Mortal Instrument Series and The Infernal Devices by Cassandra Clare, If I Stay and Where She Went by Gayle Forman, The Divergent trilogy by Veronica Roth, The Percy Jackson & The Olympian series by Rick Riordan, and any books by John Green and Rainbow Rowell.

As a reader, I started buying my own books instead of renting or borrowing them. I currently have more than fifty books that are placed neatly on my desk. There my number one prized possession. In addition, one major goal of mine is to actually have a library in my house one day.

--Melissa Rios

Friday, October 31, 2014

Key to Happiness

         When you think of happiness you think of objects or people, well in this video Author Brook talks about the secret of happiness and how to get it. A couple of nights ago my cousin texted me this link telling me to watch it as soon as possible. She has been helping me a lot with my college applications so she understands how stressed I am about my future. So I guess she sent me this video to sort of guide me. I liked this video because everyone wants to know the key to happiness so it refers to anyone who watches it. Some people are not happy at all and some just want to be happier than they are now. Brooks explains the three causes of happiness which are; genetics, big life events and choices. An interesting fact that I liked was that 48% of our happiness is inherited. Another fact is that more women are happier than men. Big life events drive your happiness depending on your struggles to those life events. Brook talks about not always chasing the big thing because they usually don't last and as human beings we normal don't get what we really want. Your happiest when you’re doing the little things in life. Brook’s gives an example about someone who wins the lottery, they aren't happy for very long because they already have everything they want. They lose the little things in life like hobbies and the great relationships they had with friends or family. He also says "if you want to be happy don't spend your time obsessing over the great big things." I think he's right because when things don't happen the way you want or expect them to you shut yourself down after that and you just want to give up and stop trying. If you focus your time on the smaller things like what you have to do in order to get the big thing you want, you will be happier. The main cause that I related to the most was faith. I relate to faith making you happy because after I started going to church I noticed that I was happier about the little things like hanging out with friends and spending time with family rather than going to parties or being at the mall every weekend. Faith has become a big part in my life and I do believe it has brought me a great deal of happiness.

College Rant

I know what college I want to go to after high school, but I don’t know where I’ll end up, quite yet and its killing me. My dream school is Howard. I remember a time when I didn’t think I was smart enough to get into Howard, because it’s considered the Black Ivy League School. Now that I realized that I can get in, I’m scared because there’s a possibility that I won’t get accepted. Nobody wants there plan A to fail. I do have a plan B, C, and a D, but it won’t be the same and that college won’t give me the same experience that Howard would give me.

I never thought that my senior year would be as stressful as it is. College apps have stressed me out to the point, where I’m tired of college and I haven’t even gotten there yet. I’m so glad that I started my personal statement early, because at first it was not going well for me at all, until I chose the right topic. My weakest point is my SAT and ACT scores, because they’re not as high as I would like them to be. To know that may be the reason that I don’t get into college is scary. I’m hoping that my personal statement and my grades will outweigh my scores. I know I have to stay positive, but it’s so hard when your life is literally in the hand of some unknown person.

Everyone is so scared to leave the nest or leave Mayfair, but I’m not I can’t wait to graduate and go off to college next fall. I really need a change in scenery. I want to meet new people and get away from some of the old people in my life. I rather be on my own somewhere out of state and figure out my life without any distractions. I believe there’s so much life has to offer me beyond California. How can I succeed in International Business if I can’t leave my nest or California?

I can’t believe that I’m going to be eighteen in less than eight months. Soon we’re all going to be on our own somewhere all over America. When you really think about it, it’s scary but I can’t wait. The only thing I’m really scared of is the college professors, because when I get to college, I know that I have to do everything on my own.  I’m not ready yet, to let go of our high school teacher’s didactic ways.


Life after high school is to me honestly one of the most terrifying things. I'm planning on going to college out of state where I'm going to have to learn to take care of myself and be more responsible than ever. 
I grew up in a rough housing environment so to make up for it, I got mostly everything I wanted. I'm going to have to go from having everything handed to me, to having to do things all by myself. There are so many failures, successes, and struggles that are to come upon me that I'm not quite sure I'm ready to conquer them quite yet.
I'm scared to leave my loved ones behind and miss out on everything that happens. High school is so much easier and I know that. If I had an option, I would stay in high school for as long as I can.
High school is a place to be able to find yourself. You're growing up and maturing into the person you're gonna be. High school is like training wheels for college.
So going out of state for college is going to be a huge jump. California is amazing and other states would die to be just like California. Colorado has some major weather differences and I think it's going to be adventurous to be able to experience these things. I want to travel when I'm older and living in another state is one step closer to traveling the world. As much as I'm not ready for college I'm excited to take on the challenges coming my way. 

SSR is Coming Up!

I have been eagerly anticipating the SSR Mondays since the first day of school. Just imagining the relaxing and peaceful time we are going to have every Monday starting next week makes me happy. I’m so excited! Is there anyone else as excited as I am?? I don’t think I have ever been this excited about reading before, and I think I know the reason why.
In elementary school, I am sure most of us dreaded the thought of reading and writing little summaries of the chapters we have read because all we ever thought about were all of the other fun things we could be doing instead of reading and/or writing. And in some cases, maybe some of us still do detest reading and writing. Fortunately for myself, I have learned to enjoy reading as I got older. Though I still find writing as a bit of a hassle sometimes, I realized that writing helps me remember things better. I think that our appreciation for reading and writing grows as we get more mature because our interests also changes as we get older.  
The best part about reading is when you get sucked into the story and you feel like you’re living the protagonist’s life. It helps me get away from the stressful reality and live in a whole different world, even if it’s just for a while. I believe that everyone needs that break from reality once in a while and our SSR times will be a great opportunity for all of us to do just that. This is most likely the reason why I am so excited about reading this year, I need to relax and take a break from all of these work! Reading stories is just so much fun! I am generally a fiction reader but I was strangely captivated by nonfiction books when I was younger; I used to love reading autobiographies about people in the past during World War one and other devastating historical events. But now I tend to like reading fiction books more and I already have a list of books I want to read this year. For those of you who can’t decide or is completely clueless on what to read next, I recommend checking out this website: http://www.goodreads.com/list

Don’t forget to bring your books on Monday!

Military vs. College?

     Moving ahead and looking forward after high school is a difficult process and students have a variety of options. College, trade school, and even working after high school can lead to a fulfilling life, but I feel as if the military can lead to even better rewards. After having discussed the perks of joining the military with a recruiter, I learned many new things that I took into consideration. One of these perks, was that after finishing your contract with any branch of the military, they are able to pay for tuition and schooling. Free or discounted healthcare is also available and higher priority over others is as well. In my eyes, respect and discipline are rewards that can be taken with you during your service and after, whether your searching for a new job or making new connections with people, discipline and respect gives off a more prestigious vibe that recruiters and businesses look for.
      After twelve years of sitting in classrooms listening to teachers for hours on end, it is no wonder that some students join the military, not because listening to teachers is noneducational, but because some students prefer the hands on work and would rather spend their energy and focus accomplishing tasks that are relevant in today's world. The range of jobs that can be acquired in the military is unbelievable and the resources each branch has is crazy. The thought of learning and using the skills you learn simultaneously draws out many students from the high school crowd; such as, having a career in aerospace engineering can lead to classes in piloting and working on planes as a mechanic, instead of sitting in a class room and taking notes without doing anything. In conclusion, the option of the military should not be brushed aside so easily and it should be considered strongly because success is built through hard work and the military does well in putting students through that and more.


It seems everyone forgets what life was like when they were younger. I, for one, don't know why I did stupid and immature things as a child, but I also don't remember what it was like to be that age. Maybe there were reasons for what I did that made sense back then but now that I've grown more I see they we dumb. Everyone has been made fun of or judged for a stupid reason, but no one really remembers what it's like while they are doing it to others. In fact, the more I think about it the more I see this fact of life come true all throughout the day. The most prominent way I experience this is with parents or even adults in general. They expect so much of us, they punish us harshly, they act like they were never our age. We are treated as adults in so many matters, yet as children for others, seemingly depending of which choice is more convenient for them. They act like at the ages 17-19 they were saints. But they weren't. No one is. So why is it so demanded of us?

Uncertainty and Inhibition

Lately, I've been hearing a lot of "You need to work on your college applications!" from my mother, and I'm sure I'm not the only one.  I've put off the applications not because I'm lazy, but because I'm uncertain.  There are a few major turning points in life that can only be experienced once, and graduating from high school is one of these turning points.  Uncertainty leads to worry which leads to fear, and fear inhibits accomplishment.  I think that instead of worrying about the possible failures I could experience, I'm just going to try my best by making my personal statements reflect myself as best as possible.  One of the most worrying parts of applying, though, is choosing a major.  For one of the schools I plan on applying to, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, a major must be declared immediately.  I'm nowhere near ready to decide what I want to do for the rest of my life.  I know that most people change their minds during college, but I also don't want to waste my time on subjects that I'm not going to pursue, making the already elongated college experience longer.  Of course, the money that it would cost to change majors and start again is a huge deterrent on top of the time spent.  However, all I can do is choose the major that I am most interested in now, ecology, and if it doesn't work out - oh well, then i will have to change majors.  I've spent to long worrying about "what-ifs," and now it is time to go for it.

Change in weather

Today during my soccer practice I noticed a change in the weather. Not only did I feel a change in weather but I also felt a change in me. I'm feeling way more more motivated. Starting off the year I have been really lazy but I am slowly getting back into better work habits. The summer heat was going on for too long. Now it's feels more like fall and I am ready to make the most out of this senior year. Also,  Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's are coming up and I'm pretty excited to end 2014 on a good note.

Finished At Last!

It is 1:00 in the morning and I have finally finished all of my work.  Well, I've finished all my English work at least.  Even though I still have other work to finish up, I still feel like a weight has been lifted.  I probably could have finished my work a lot faster though if I didn't get so easily distracted all the time.  I don't know if I am the only one that does this, but I like to work for 20 minutes and then take an hour long break, which is a habit I'm really trying to break because it just leads to sleepless nights.  This blogging is the last thing I have to finish tonight, and I am determined to get it done.  Even though it was a pain to have all of this work due all at once, I'm hoping it means now we will have a break this weekend.  If not, I am going to be in a lot of mental pain from this overload of work we have been getting.  I hope everyone else got all of their work done way before me and for those who may still working on it, all I can say is that your pain will be over soon.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Life after High school

Senior year we are all supposed to make this life changing decision on what we want to do for the rest of our lives when we are basically still children ourselves. I feel like there is so much pressure put on us to make the right decision, choose the right college, and get good grades. What if we make the wrong decision? What if I can't handle going to college? We all say and think we are grown up and can handle life on our own but when it comes down to it, can we really? I'm not trying to say that we absolutely can't because you can do anything if you really want it. Maybe not everyone is asking themselves these questions or thinking the same thing I am. These are just the things I think about while we are supposed to be applying for colleges and making these decisons for life after High School. 


So I'm sitting here catching up on America's Next Top Model, and I'm trying to just knock this out so I can be done for the week. So far, this week has been one of the most stressful weeks that I’ve had so far. In my imagination, my homework are the flesh-eating monsters that I’ve been trying to escape for, what seems like, the umpteenth time. Since this year began, my level of stress has skyrocketed. All of the pressure of college apps + SAT scores + Homework + life in general = overwhelm.... ment? I am someone who stresses out A LOT. I can’t help it. Even in non-stressful situations, I always seem to find something or someone to stress about. How many times did I use the word "stress"? .... Whatever, STRESS STRESS STRESS STRESS.
So I looked up the word “stress” and I honestly believe that someone has been watching me my whole life and said “what she is doing…I must name it”. (And yes, I was born in the late 1800s. Don’t hate.) It says that one of the usual responses to stress is to seek comfort instead of facing it when it becomes too much. Basically your body is screaming at you “Noooooooo”. Which makes sense because there have been nights when I just stare at my mountain of homework and I think “No. No. No.” But when I stare at my bed, my head sighs in wanting. My head almost always leads me to my bed. I’m not kidding. I head-butt my bed all of the time.
I guess stress and procrastination are related? But I’m not going to delve into that because my mom just told me that there is cake downstairs.
Anyway, I guess what I’m trying to get at is that I'm kind of happy that I’m not the only one who seems to be stressing out this year. Luckily the entire senior class is with me. *We’re all in this together* 

*Side note: Does anyone like ponies?