Fletcher Tweets and Whiteboard Shots

Sunday, January 25, 2015

1984 and Technology

In 1984, the citizens of Oceania’s life are monitored by telescreens and the Thought police. The telescreens watch their every move and listen to every sound they make. Even at night, the citizens aren't safe because the thought police can tap into the telescreens and listen in on them. Talking in their sleep can get them arrested and vaporized. They don’t have any privacy to themselves. Winston the main character, has a mind of his own and it’s an uncomfortable feeling for him because he knows he doesn't have any privacy and even the simplest movements and his facial expressions can give away that he’s committing a “thoughtcrime.” Just last night I was babysitting this little boy and they recently got a cat. It was very uncomfortable for me because I don’t really care to be around cats. It was watching my every move; I didn't feel like I had any privacy around that cat and that it may attack me at any moment. If a cat can make me feel like I don’t have any privacy, imagine how “technology surveillance” can make you feel that way. At any moment the government can tap into your phone calls, and listen to everything that you’re saying. That makes me very uncomfortable because those are my private phone calls, if I wanted other people to know about my conversation, I would tell them. The government can easily abuse their power or misinterpret a phone call and now an innocent person is in jail for crime he/she didn't commit because the government is invading everyone’s privacy. When will they stop tapping into phone calls and how do we know they’re not always listening into our phone calls? It’s like “Big Brother” is listening to us except it’s not through telescreens its through our phones.

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