Fletcher Tweets and Whiteboard Shots

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Government has gone to far

Today I was reading an article called “We’re living ‘1984’ today” by Lewis Beale. It was very interesting to me because Beale relates the telescreen, endless war and Newspeak to our lives today. He explains how our telescreen is social media like Facebook, knowing our likes and dislikes. Endless War relates to our “so-called war on terror, with no end in sight.” Newspeak in 1984 is to limit free thought yet we use words like OMG, RU serious, and ttyl that shows are limited vocabulary. Beale’s analogy was “We are all Winston Smith and Big brother is the modern surveillance state.” I agree with what Beale is saying about how we are all like Winston Smith because we are allowing the government to take control of our cellular devices, emails, social media, gps, and much more. We are allowing the government to hack into our personal information and lives, when will we say enough is enough?

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