Fletcher Tweets and Whiteboard Shots

Monday, January 26, 2015

Socratic Seminar #15

Most people seem to only be talking about technology and freedom so I decided to talk about a different question from the socratic seminar.  I chose to discuss number 15 which is about if it is okay to always do things with other people all the time, should we expect people to always participate in activities, and do people have the right to be alone.  I think that it is fine to not want to be alone, and it can help build good social skills that will help you later in life.  But, I think there are times when you need to do things by yourself even if you don't want to be alone.  Also, I don't think that we should expect people to always take part in things going on in the community.  In 1984, people were expected to show up when they did hangings.  Winston also knew that if the telescreens were delivering good news then he had to look enthusiastic and join in with the cheering.  I don't think we should have to expect that of people.  If we all took part in community activities all the time we would loose our sense of individuality.  Lastly, people have every right to choose to be alone.  After reading 1984 I appreciate being alone more than I use to because they were always being observed and constantly had to be around other people.  Being in a state like this, you would always have to keep your guard up and act according to their social standards.  

1 comment:

  1. I agree with this 100%. I believe that if someone wants to be alone or if they want to be with people it should be their choice. Some people like the company of others and some do not. it should be an option as to what an individual prefers.


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