Fletcher Tweets and Whiteboard Shots

Sunday, January 25, 2015


I think people need to realize that we aren't that free to begin with. In class we discussed if we would be okay with giving up certain freedoms during a national crisis. Most didn't agree that this was necessary because they believed that we are free Americans and it should stay that way. No part of this world is free. Every place on this earth is owned. Yes America has freedom, but it's only to a certain extent. The government has already messed with the "freedoms" they GIVE us. How free are you if another person is telling you what you can or can't do? So if there was threats or a national crisis sacrifice a little to gain security. I think some people don't think about the big picture, they only focus on the details. 

1 comment:

  1. The fact that our government has "already messed with the 'freedoms' they give us" doesn't justify our rights being taken away to an even further extent. Our founding fathers started this country with the mindset that we would be free, and throughout the generations people have died trying to protect our freedom, so to willingly give it up is a huge loss. I do agree that in serious times of national/global crisis, rights may have to be taken away to some extent, but they should be restored shortly after. This has not been the case so far in our country, which i think can justify not wanting any rights to be taken away at all. I can see your side of the argument, but I still really believe that protecting our rights is more important than the information that can be gained by violating American citizens' rights to privacy. For example, even if monitoring phone calls and texts could alert us to some potential terrorist attacks, many could still be carried out without any government officials even hearing about it being planned. the threat of looming "terror" will always exist, but our rights might fade away in time if we are too afraid of it.


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