Fletcher Tweets and Whiteboard Shots

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Freedom vs. Safety

I rather have freedom then being completely safe. I feel like if the government would take one of our freedoms away it'll just make them stronger and you never know what or how many rights they'll take from us. I feel like this ties into 1984, the government has complete control over every citizen. They all may be safe but not one person is free. The people aren't allowed to be individuals, in some way they are all the same. I believe what Winston does makes him strong, brave, and makes him an individual. He knows that the government is doing something  wrong. The government has brainwashed everyone but that's what makes Winston an indivual he doesn't fall into their trap. This is why being free is better then being safe. Why would you want to live in a world where you aren't able to do the things you would like to do and you're being controlled by the government? 


  1. I totally agree with you, if your not allowed to do things you personally enjoy and like doing what's the point of being alive. The citizens of Oceania aren't allowed to do whatever pleases them, and on top of that they are being monitored 24/7 no matter where they go. And if they choose to be themselves they are punished, brainwashed or in some cases they vanish. So, yes, I'd rather have freedom as well, then be completely safe. Having my freedom, will allow me to live my life the way I want to even if I'm in danger.

  2. I am also on the side that freedom is better than safety. Don't get me wrong - safety is important, and people feeling safe is also important - but sacrificing our rights will only lead to us having less and less freedom as time passes. How can you be okay with that if you consider yourself an American? The American ideology is based on freedom and the right to pursue happiness. Monitoring unknowing people and taking away their privacy doesn't sound like freedom to me.


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