Fletcher Tweets and Whiteboard Shots

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Blog Post

Response to "That's No Phone. That's my Tracker" by Peter Maass and Meghan Rejagopalan.

Recently, due to GPS technology and apps, our phones can take note of everything we use them for. Because of this, people feel like they should definitely be called trackers instead of cellphones. Honestly I think it's pretty dumb and it doesn't matter what it's called because it'll do the same thing no matter what. The article states that "names matter, quite a bit", but I definitely don't agree. If they were called trackers, people would still be using them. 

A lot of people are scared about being tracked and I really do understand. The thing is, if there are millions of people with smartphones and all of them are being tracked, there isn't actually a person looking at what you're doing all hours of the day. These type of "tracking" services are only used when necessary. If you're a suspect of some awful crime that's when going through your texts/ listening to recordings of phone calls becomes completely okay. Maybe if someone is scared of getting tracked, they should just be careful about what type of information they're putting into their device. 

I'm reading the article again and it literally just annoys me because I don't believe the name of the device we carry is as important as these people say it is!!

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