Fletcher Tweets and Whiteboard Shots

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Freedom is language

In 1984 newspeak prides itself on eliminating words till 2050. The government which is big brother wants to  create a language only their people would understand. I think language is freedom, without language you can't truly get your throughts across to someone else. You can use face expressions to show someone how you are feeling, but being able to use words to tell someone something is way more effective. Freedom is the state of being free or at liberty rather than in confinement or under physical restraint. Not being able to speak would change how you are and how you perceive yourself to others, it defines who we are and what we know and believe in. You can indentify an intelligent person vs. someone who barely finished highschool due to the words they and if we didn't have language we would just be the same as everybody else. Imagine restricting the language you speak, it will just limit the way you can express yourself and that will taking away some of your freedom. Language is freedom and having the free will to just voice whatever you feel like saying is freedom.

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