Fletcher Tweets and Whiteboard Shots

Monday, January 26, 2015

How Does the World View You?

Think about this, what do you see when you look in the mirror? What kind of person do you see yourself as? now take it one step further and imagine how other people see you. If you were to receive an honest opinion from someone who knew you well but was not biased to make you feel good or to hurt your feeling, what would they say? Now take it even one step further, and imagine what you look like to a stranger. How does a person see you as they view you for the first time? I've been sporadically thinking about all these questions for about 3 years, and they intrigue me. I sometimes even get stuck on the first question, who am I really? But now is not the time for me to question my being and sanity, I have a point I was getting to.
I realized a few days ago that these age old questions now have a new, "Little Brother" question that has never needed to be asked but now it is a very prominent and relevant to our culture, and its becoming one of the most important of the 4 questions, how would someone see me if all they saw were my posts and comments on social media? I think the best, most preferable answer to this question, and the answer I wish I could give but sadly cannot, is that people can learn just enough about me on social media to know and be intrigued by my interests. I think it should be every ones goal to use social media to show off what we like and dislike in a tasteful manner. However I will be the first to kick my ego to the curb and say I either use social media way too much, or too little. I believe social media is good, and it is useful to keep in touch, to entertain, and to stay updated. So I wish I were able to use it more, although my particular situation is such that I can't go on regularly, or at least as regularly as most people. However occasionally when I do get the chance to go online, I get carried away, posting too much, commenting boldly and humorously, albeit obnoxiously as well. I can't seem to find the right balance and I see many people do as well. There is an abundance of posting about personal issues that, in all honestly, should stay private, or at least refrained from being put out onto social media. Many of my friends I've noticed can seem a bit depressed, moody, or even bipolar because of how they post and in the end they can seem like attention seekers. I suppose every one wants attention at some points in their life, and I can understand that, but too much is too much, and there is a line that shouldn't be crossed online, however fine that line it may be. The main point I'm trying to make is that maybe we aren't thinking enough about our use of social media, and maybe we ought to think more. It is hard, but I think if we were to cut back on out obsessiveness about letting everybody know our deepest feelings, we might not be in this predicament of being monitored and having our privacy violated through social media. Because if you think about it, if someone can know your deepest feelings, desires, and issues, who you hang out with the most, who you hate, love and what you do in your free time, just by glancing at your twitter profile couldn't that person easily use that information against you through manipulation, surveillance, or something else?

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