Fletcher Tweets and Whiteboard Shots

Monday, January 26, 2015

The Age of Social Media

The past few weeks in class we have been discussing the 21st century technology and how it's affecting our lives in the sense of privacy and how we let it consume us. Through discussions, I have noticed the same reaction from almost everyone. Many question the sincerity of social media and what's it's doing to us. When people discuss social media, everyone tends to talk about the negative impact. People tend to say it's brainwashing the youth and dictating our lives in the means of surveillance (and addictive qualities). "Get off your phones and actually learn something by watching the news or reading a book," is what adults tend to say to our technology-addicted generation. Although, it's great to actually read some good literature once in awhile, the world has to stop looking for the bad in our new way of life. Social Media like Twitter, Facebook, and Tumblr may have completely consumed us; however, it has educated as well. We can all debate and argue on what the news is actually giving us and what is factual or correct. Yet, from my own point of view, I can completely say that being exposed to the world of social media has enlightened me more than it has "brainwashed" me. Through Tumblr, and occasionally Twitter, I have learned more about what is going on in the world rather than through the news. I'm not sure what I'm getting at here, but all I can say is the world in which we live may completely be dictated by technology but sometimes that's not necessarily a bad thing when it comes to being informed and becoming knowledgeable on the world around us. 

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