Fletcher Tweets and Whiteboard Shots

Monday, January 26, 2015

Social Media..

Is social media really a good thing? Certain sites like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat can help us connect with our friends or family members, which is a good thing and it’s also entertaining. However, social media can easily be exploited without our knowledge. The government or anyone can use social media as a form of propaganda to “brainwash” people. Now that’s scary to know that they can use social media in a way to get people to conform to their ideas, without the people realizing the truth. In a way that reminds me of Oceania because Big Brother used the telescreens or posters, so the people would still believe their nonsense. In our everyday life, on T.V. there’s commercials using celebrities, to help companies sell their products and the only reason we want that product is because we see an attractive celebrity “using” the product. So it seems like we don’t have a mind of our own because we’re allowing companies to “brainwash” us into thinking that their products, when we really don’t even know if their item is good for us. If a major company can do that, imagine how easily the government could fool us, using the same type of technology without us realizing it. Another thing that reminds of Big Brother is how our government tells us information about national crisis and we have to believe it because it’s our only source of information. Yes, we can easily read up on it and find our “proof”. But what if it’s all lies or it’s just staged?  If it’s all lies or staged then we would never know the truth unless we worked for the government. And if we ever did find out the real truth, we could never tell the anyone the actual truth like Winston could never tell anyone the actual truth because its punishable and we’re being disloyal to our country. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow, very true on so many levels. I agree with you and all of it never occurred to me. Truthfully, I've always thought that social media had some negative repercussions like it being a distraction or cutting out family time and relationships; but on a more universal, adult-like level this generation is probably very brainwashed. We are the first to have all of this media at our fingertips and we're so persuaded by what is fiction or nonfiction blindly. Hopefully, this is all just paranoia and real danger stays away!!!


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