Fletcher Tweets and Whiteboard Shots

Sunday, January 25, 2015

The News and Pessimism

Lately, because of all our discussions in class about technology, and how it changes things, I have thought greatly on how we use technology and how our view of the world, and of each other are changed by it. I had two very different trains of thought on this subject so I think I will split them into two different blog posts.
The first idea that came to my head was in class about the issue of preventing terrorism and privacy. I thought about how terrorism works, how terror is instilled in the public through acts of violence and destruction. And in the end I think terrorism is effective for two reasons, one is that it is deadly, and it is cruel, and horrible. The other is the fact that the way our world works is that our news networks and other mediums of information usually only inform us of the evil in the world. Genocide, terrorism, famine, drought, natural disasters, depressing statistics, and so much more. It's no wonder that so many people are pessimistic about our world. It's no wonder how we are so easily persuaded that evil is running rampant around us.
But the fact is this, the world is a wonderful place. News may not report that the percent of violent crime and rape in America are at the lowest percentage they've ever been at, but that doesn't make it false. We may not hear about all the good in the world, but that doesn't mean it's invisible. Imagine if we heard about every time a terrorist attack had been thwarted, or a homeless person was helped, or a person was proclaimed free of cancer after 10 years of treatment, or a child that was sick and dying was saved. Imagine if we were aware, at every second, of everything that went RIGHT in the world, rather than everything that went WRONG. Or even if we were aware of both the good and evil, the good would far outweigh the bad. Sadly, the way the world works is not the way we sometimes wish it could be, and although there are hopeful news stories, there are far more stories that seem to promote distress and depression. I wish, with all my heart that we could all see the world for the wonderful, beautiful place it is because I know that that would be the first step in removing terror, hatred, and evil form the world. Because if everyone had the mindset that the world is good, and that everyone in the world is good, then how could there be bad?
I suppose I've gotten off track. All in all, I just want people to see the good in the world to balance out all the bad we see daily. I just want everyone to enjoy life free of terror and hate. And I think that starts with informing everyone of the hope that there is in the world, not just the hopelessness.

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely love this post. I agree that our world shows more of the negative rather than the good. I know there's so many good people out there taking time outta there day to go help fellow people in need. There are survivors everywhere that don't get awknowldeged, and it's like why? Why don't these heros and survivors get a reward and get noticed for their achievements. Is it not "interesting" enough, or does our society really just wanna show the bad side of the world off.


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