Fletcher Tweets and Whiteboard Shots

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Why are we crazy about Social Media?

Privacy is fleeting in our fast world of technology and it will probably be a thing of the past in a few years. I started wondering why do I and so many people want to take part in social media such as twitter, facebook, instagram etc. and of course the obvious answer most will say is to stay connected to family and friends. I feel like there is a deeper reason for why we crave social media and love it. We are human and we love to think that we are significant in this world filled with billions of people. Social media is something that makes us feel like we are important. Somebody cares about my post and somebody is listening to me. These people follow me or they're friends with me online and therefor I must be important. Social Media feeds into the idea that what we say matters and means something to someone out there. And quite possibly it might, but for the most part it doesn't. Nobody cares if we ate chipotle or got starbucks. I feel like social media makes us more self centered and narcissistic. We write about how awful or great our life is. We feel important. We feel like we are doing something groundbreaking and that is the reason (one of them at least) that the general public loves Social Media. I'm not at all trying to say that social media is all bad and terrible I think it's great because of how we can talk and get news at an instant, but I just wanted to touch on the subject of society's almost addiction to the social media craze.


  1. I agree with your point. I definitely feel that humans as a species craves attention in any form. The social media and technology at our fingertips today only fuels this need for attention and social acceptance. We can just post a picture on instagram and immediately receive the attention we so desire from friends and even people that we don't know one bit. I think that's when we really get the attention we so desire, when we receive it from people we don't even know. What does that say about us? Does that just prove that our generation is as vain and self centered as previous generations claim we are? Or were we tricked into this lifestyle since the day we were born. We were raised on computers and were trained since the first grade how to use them so how could we not delve into the world of social media since that's all we have ever really known. I think that's the scariest part...we were born into this world of technology, so are we the beginning of this mindless generation that has been consumed by this world of technology?

  2. I definitely agree with what you are saying, I think people are becoming much more self centered. Through the past years when someone saw you taking a selfie of yourself you would get embarrass and try to hide your phone right away because you didn't want them to think you were conceited but now days people are pulling out their phones every where they go to take a selfie and not caring if anyone saw them.

  3. I agree with your opinion and I feel that technology is getting out of hand, but there will always be new things that pop up and attract more people to social media. I also agree with your point that social media is a machine of attention for people who feel as if they don't get enough of it, in their daily lives. Social media is dumbing down society to those whose life revolves around it, like those people who all they do is post things online and wait for their friends to comment and take notice of them.

  4. Social media is truly taking over. You're so right when you say that we love to think we are significant. Through social media we are able to share a picture, a feeling, what we ate for lunch, and more all within a couple seconds. We find this need to bring attention to ourselves without even knowing it. I would be a liar if I said I don't use social medias or post stupid things because its true. I do it. Many, if not all, do it. The question is: at one point do we let this become a self centered, narcissistic act? We know those couple people that when you scroll past their Instagram picture or Tweet, you automatically think, "Wow nobody cares." Then there are others where you are interested and care about what they say. So, do we post because we know others will ultimately think about us?


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