Fletcher Tweets and Whiteboard Shots

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Are We The Beginning?

     So, I just commented on a post and as I was commenting I started getting this flow of thoughts that I figured I would make my own post about.

     We live in this world of technology that we all contribute to. We are consumed by social media. What can I say though, that's just our generation. We are vain, self-centered, inconsiderate and all we care about is our technology. The one thing I can't shake from my mind though is that there was never a time when I was younger where I didn't interact at some point with some form of modern technology. So, I am lead to believe that maybe I was tricked into the labels of my generation. In 1984, the people are so oblivious to the world around them and to the truths of the world that they live in. Is that not one of the things that trails behind our generation, that we are oblivious to the world around us and have no real care for politics or the economy because we are too busy with posting on facebook and getting to 100 likes on instagram. Can we help it though? We were born into this...since the first grade we have been taught how to use computers and type 200 words per second because that's what future employers would be looking for. We have been trained to adapt quickly to the latest technological advances. This poses the question that maybe we are the beginning of mindless generations that only care about the new technology and don't pay any mind to the world around us and what the government is really doing...


  1. I completely agree with what you're saying. Last year in Ms. Fletcher's AP English class, we had to read this nonfiction book called "Amusing Ourselves to Death" by Neil Postman as part of our summer homework. He talks about how the newer generation is the Age of Entertainment and how television has conditioned people to not really care about things that should matter and what is really true. Mind you, this book was written in the year 1985, before the Internet and newer technology existed, but the parallels between it and what this unit is about are apparent. Essentially, all of the technology that we have at our fingertips is making us become the mindless generation.

  2. http://afterdeadline.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/09/25/begging-the-question-again/?_php=true&_type=blogs&_r=1

  3. Technology has really changed everyone. Everyone is too focus on social media and other things on their electronic device that people don't really focus what's out there in the world. I think it's crazy how new generations don't go outside to ride a bike or run around instead they are being introduce to a electronic device.

  4. I totally agree with what you are saying. I agree with your statement because what it seems in our world is that nobody can ever live without technology and that we are totally fixated on technology that everything we do now needs technology and without it we would be mindless. This is scary because in just few years technology has changed so much that it can even watch you and what you are doing without you even noticing it. We are becoming a mindless generation because the people that are driving get so impatient, which have been causing more acciedents then ever. Therfore the result is that people have become lazy with no concern of others besides themself and they are so involved in their own world that people just don't care anymore unlike the past. Therefore I agree that we are a mindless people cause the result has lead to rude individuals, so I don't like all this technology.

  5. This is so true, I remember when I first got a smart phone and I lost it, I thought my whole world was over because I had to downgrade to a non smartphone. I didn't know what to do with myself because I couldn't use any apps or anything. This scares me though because I don't want our world to turn into "Oceania", even though it will most likely not be in our generation. Technology is moving way too fast and the things that they're creating is scaring me because sometimes I think our world may be ruled by robots in the future or we'll be living like the cartoon "The Jeffersons".


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