Fletcher Tweets and Whiteboard Shots

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Reading about the society in Oceania has really made me take a look at society in modern America and I've seen a lot that I was missing before. Instead of telescreens perhaps now social media is what feeds us mindless propaganda 24/7. The media tells us how to think and how to act it shapes how we are and sets up a social standard in which we feel obligated to conform to. The government tells us that we are in such a better place than we were before, but recent events such as Ferguson really makes me think otherwise. The fact that our country still has banned books is ridiculous and how in school girls are sometimes treated unjustly (in terms of dress code). It may not seem significant but if you think about it it isn't right. The government tells us that we're in a better place but why do I feel like things such as mental illness and rape aren't addressed formally in school? Why is gay marriage illegal in some states? Why don't we address the controversial things going on within the world? I feel like people don't pay attention anymore. I see some people and they're like mindless drones just babbling about nothing in particular when they speak. It's pretty shocking when you think about it. (Oh and I'm not trying to be that person who only says negative things about society I think there are really good things happening too, but in relation to the book I wanted to emphasize the negative)


  1. I completely agree with you. I think that our society as a whole is just becoming more complacent about certain injustices and tragedies that are happening every single day. Our society is slowly becoming more and more similar to the one in 1984 and the majority of people are not even aware of it and the ones who are, will never try to stop it from happening.

  2. I also agree with what you're saying. It's very true that most people are blinded by technology and aren't fully aware of all that is going on in society. Social media affects the ideas of everyone without anyone even noticing. We often feel like we have to live up to certain societal standards even though subconsciously we know it's dumb and that we can be whoever we want to be.

    I'm not sure why topics like mental illnesses, rape, and other stuff that has a great amount of importance isn't brought up in schools. I also have no idea why gay marriage is illegal in several states. I do think we need to all become more aware of the more important things going on in the world. Teenagers specifically need to be better informed about everything because we are the ones that can actually have an impact in the future.


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