Fletcher Tweets and Whiteboard Shots

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Technology and Surveillance

After reading the articles about technology in class and reading 1984, I feel we need go back and focus on a simple reason for why technology is constantly being created, and this is to make work easier. That’s why every tool has been invented, even surveillance, but in my opinion we have to question how far we let technology influence our lives. Guns were made for war, but now they can be used to shoot up schools. Cars were used to ease transportation, but now they are emitting toxic wastes that destroy our environment. Surveillance, meaning to closely observe, is used in cameras, drones, and even people observing one another, but now surveillance can be used to monitor our lives and attempt to stop a crime before it happens, or so it claims to accomplish. To return to the main reason of technology, humans need to take a step back and question when technology is doing too much of the work for us and where we might ultimately become a machine. This leads to the question of freedom and the fact that mankind uses freedom for good and bad purposes, and at times surveillance aids in stopping bad acts of man. The way I see it there is no right answer as to whether we should let surveillance continue its course or not.

1 comment:

  1. You are right, Geroge. We have become a society of shortcuts and cheats with the use of technology but at some point we do need to question how much these advances have drained us of humanity. It is true that these were all invented to help man. In no way is that bad. We have created ways to get jobs done easier, but it is easy to see how different technology can be abused for things they weren't or shouldn't be used for.


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